PP - Support

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Peter Parker / Spiderman

You had to retake one of your finals because you were sick. But now you were so nervous you couldn't even think straight.

Luckily, your boyfriend was there for you. He studied all week with you and promised to support and help you, so you wouldn't be so nervous during the exam.

You didn't really know what he meant by that but you were thankful for all the help you could get so you didn't ask.

Then, during the exam, you started panicking. Your teacher noticed.

"Y/N, are you alright?", he asked. You looked up to him and almost started screaming when you saw your boyfriends head appear next to your teacher behind the window.

 You looked up to him and almost started screaming when you saw your boyfriends head appear next to your teacher behind the window

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You tried to act as if nothing happened and hoped your teacher didn't notice.

"Um, yes. I'm alright, thanks.", you said quickly and acted as if you were answering the next question when you were actually looking at the window.

Peter held up a sign that said: moral support.

You giggled in your head and realised you weren't anxious anymore. It really helped you to not panic. Every time you felt uneasy you'd look up and see the boy you loved smiling at you.

You were so going to spoil him tonight.

He deserved it.

(I know it's not Tom/Andrew/Toby in the gif but whatever.)

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