TH - Sorry, Can I Kiss You Real Quick?

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Tom Holland

You were at the cinema, alone. Yeah, you were miserable.

Your boyfriend broke up with you a couple of days ago and you needed distraction.

What you didn't expect tho: Him showing up with another girl in his arms.

Oh shit!

They looked at their tickets and approached the row of seats you were sitting at.

You really didn't want them to see you, so you looked on your right and saw a cute guy eating his popcorn. You made a spontaneous choice.

"Sorry, but can I kiss you real quick?"


"My ex is coming this way and I don't want him to see me

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"My ex is coming this way and I don't want him to see me."

You looked back at them and they were almost here.

"I'm really sorry.", you said and just kissed him.

The kiss was amazing and you sighed in your head when the guy put his hands on your face and returned the kiss. You didn't even know how long you were sitting there, making out, but after a while you had to stop the kiss to get some air.

"Um, I'm so sorry again. I-I don't know.." Wow, you didn't even know what to say.

He looked at you with red cheeks and a shocked expression on his face. You looked down the row of seats and saw them sitting down at the very end. They didn't see you. You sighed for real this time.

The guy still looked at you. "Um, I'm Y/N. And sorry again.", you said wanted to shake his hand but he seemed to be still in a state of shock. The guy next to him, who had a huge grin on his face, nudged him in the ribs which got him out of his shock and he shook your hand.

"I-I'm..." "Tom. He is Tom.", the guy said and looked at his friend amused.

"Yeah, I'm Tom. Hey Y/N."


For the rest of the movie you didn't speak at all but you couldn't help but glance over to him every once in a while and sometimes you caught them staring at you.

By the time the movie ended, you didn't even know what it was about but you didn't care. The only thing on your mind: You need to see him again.

You left the theatre and waited outside for him. You didn't even know what you wanted to say to him but it didn't matter because you saw your ex and his girl leaving the theatre and coming your way.

You looked around but there was no place to hide so you just stood there and waited for the most embarrassing moment in your life. But it didn't happen.

Before you knew it, Tom was standing in front of you and kissed you.

Instantly, your whole mind went blank and you didn't even remember why you were so stressed out just a second ago. All you knew was that his lips were on yours and that that was the best feeling in the world.

When he broke the kiss after a while, you looked at him in shock and saw him grinning. "I'm sorry but your ex was coming this way and I didn't want him to see you."

You smiled back and felt a warm feeling spreading in your chest.

"Just ask her out already!", his friend yelled from the other side of the street, waiting for him.

"This is my best friend.", he explained. "Yeah, I figured.", you said blushing.

You both started laughing at how ridiculous this whole situation was and you exchanged numbers.

"I'll call you.", he said and crossed to street to meet up with his friend.

"Already looking forward to it!", you yelled after him.

You watched them walking down the street and getting into a taxi.

You laughed at yourself on your way home and your heart started pounding really fast at thought of meeting him again.

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