SS - You Don't Want To Fuck With Me

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Sebastian Stan

You were out in a club with a couple of friends and your boyfriend Sebastian of course, when suddenly a guy approached you and tried to make you dance with him.

"No, I'm sorry. I don't want to.", you said repeatedly but he just wouldn't listen.

"Hey!", you heard someone shout near you, "What do think you're doing?"

You instantly felt relieved. It was Sebastian.

"Oh fuck off! I just wanna dance with this hot girl. Come on sexy.", he said and tried to grab your arm but Sebastian immediately pushed him away.

"HEY!", the guy shouted whilst trying to keep his balance.

First of all: I'm really sorry. I don't know why but Wattpad isn't working properly rn. I uploaded this chapter yesterday and only saw now that it's still a draft... dafuck? There are also other problems and first I thought it was our Wifi but now... idk

Do you have problems with Wattpad right now or is that just me?

Here is the little A/N I wrote yesterday:

I'm really sorry but for the rest of the week I'll only upload one chapter a day. 

I've been feeling bad lately and couldn't really focus on writing and I don't wanna upload just for the sake of it and not because I actually liked what I wrote. Anyway, thanks for understanding. Hope you're having a great day!❤️❤️

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