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In regards to the last chapter, I meant no offense to any fans of the movies. That was only my personal opinion, and not meant to offend anyone. Thank you to all of my readers who've stuck through it the whole way through!

I'm having a contest, write a chapter!

To enter, please let me know that you're entering in the comments by typing "I'm in."
Make your chapter a short story post it on your profile, and tag it: #IfTwilightCharactersTextedContest.

The 1st place  winner gets followed, gets a shoutout, gets one of their books mentioned, and gets their winning chapter in this book, fully credited to them!
The 2nd place winner gets a shout out, and their winning chapter in this book, fully credited to them.
The 3rd place winner gets their winning chapter in this book, fully credited to them.

The deadline is 5:00pm, Eastern Time, December 15th 2017. You have one month.

Rules: Do not copy or steal other's Work. Do not post phone numbers or emails on my page or in the comments because I won't text them. Please post your story on your profile, and say in comments "I'm done."

Good luck!

If twilight characters texted each otherWhere stories live. Discover now