preference #9: How you meet Ashton

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Finally you got to go home. You were exhausted from working for the past twelve hours. You just wanted to go home and take a hot bath to relax. You worked at a very busy law firm, you were one of the assistants. You grabbed all your bag, put on your coat, said goodbye to your colleagues and walked towards the elevator. Normally you always take the stairs but today you were too exhausted. You stepped in the elevator and it was empty. You pushed the button and the doors closed. One floor down someone else got in the elevator. You looked up from your phone to see the most perfect human being you had ever seen. He must have noticed your staring cause he flashed you the most breath taking, perfect, dimpled smile. Suddenly the elevator stopped and the lights went out. You were scared to death, you always were afraid of the dark.

The boy saw how terrified you were since the light of your phone made your facial expression visible. ‘are you okay?’ He asked. ‘uhm yeah I’m okay, I guess. I’m just really scared of the dark. I know it’s silly.’ You said blushing. ‘no it’s not all silly. I’m Ashton, what’s your name?’ ‘I’m (Y/N).’  You answered.  ‘Nice to meet you  (Y/N). I don’t know how long we are going to be stuck in here but you don’t have to be afraid, I’ll protect you.’ He said with a wink. ‘my hero!’ you said dramatically. Both of you laughing hard. You had forgotten about the fact that you were stuck in an elevator. You and Ashton exchanged numbers and talked for about an hour when the elevator started moving and the lights went on again. When the elevator reached the ground floor both you and Ashton got out. He kissed your cheek and told you he would call you soon. That night he called and asked you out on a date.


*imagine the usual;)* Do you guys have any suggestions on what preferences I should write next? I'd love to hear them:) xxLizzie

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