Ashton imagine for Emily

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You were currently 8 and a half months with twin boys. Their father is Ashton Irwin, your beloved husband. You and Ashton had been married for over a year now and head over heels in love with each other. Ash was the first out of the band to marry and also the first to have kids, so the others couldn’t give him any advice and Ash was kind of flipping out at the moment. You were due any day now and Ashton was getting more nervous each day. The boys noticed and decided to get him out of the house.

‘Ash babe, wake up. You have to get ready for your day out with the guys.’ You said waking your husband up. ‘Mhmm but I don’t want to leave you alone.’ ‘I’ll be fine Ashy, I can keep these boys in until your back.’ ‘I hope so. I don’t want you going through this alone.’ ‘I’m not doing this alone baby, you will be there when our boys come into the world.’ ‘I’m nervous Emily. What if I’m not a good dad? What if our boys hate me?’ ‘That’s impossible. They’ll love you and you’ll be an amazing dad! now get your ass out of our bed and have a fun day with the boys.’ Ash finally got out of bed and got ready to leave.

‘Have fun babe and stop worrying.’ You said and kissed him. ‘Okay I’ll try to stop and have fun.’ He said smiling and giving you another kiss. ‘you know the boys just want you to have fun right?’ ‘Yeah I know’ ‘Now get out of here and have fun.’ Ash kissed you one last time and left to meet the boys. You had been feeling pains in your stomach for a few hours now but you didn’t want Ashton to worry even more and cancel his ‘guys day out’, you didn’t think it was anything serious. You wanted for Ashton to have fun paintballing with the other guys. You decided to just clean the house to get your mind of your stomach pains.

After a few hours of cleaning the pains were becoming quite unbearable, but you still didn’t wanna call Ashton. That’s when your water broke.  ‘shit’ you thought, now you had to call Ash. First you called Ash’s mom. ‘Hii Emily how are you? How are the babies?’ ‘Hi Anne, about the babies… I’m in labor but I can’t drive myself  to the hospital.’ ‘Oh my I’m on my way stay calm and call Ash to tell him to meet us at the hospital. I’ll be with you in 5 minutes just keep breathing.’ You hang up and another contraction hit you. You got your hospital bag from upstairs as soon as the contraction was over. When you were downstairs again Anne walked into the house and helped you into her car. On your way to the hospital you called Ash.

‘Emily? Is everything alright? Answer me Emily!’ ‘Calm down Ash, I’m okay but I need you to come to the hospital right now if you want to be there when I give birth to your sons.’ ‘Oh my God! I’m on my way right now. I’ll be there soon baby just don’t push them out before I get there. Oh my God it’s happening I’m going to be a dad.’ ‘just hurry Ash please.’ ‘I’ll be there soon babe. I love you.’ ‘I love you too’ you hang up and arrived at the hospital.

Ash wasn’t here yet but the nurse told me it was time to push. Just as I was about to push Ashton stormed into the room and grabbed your hand. ‘You can do it babe.’ He said kissing your forehead.

About 30 minutes later you gave birth to two beautiful sons called Mason Harry Iwrin and Levi Fletcher Irwin. They were the most beautiful babies you had ever seen and they were yours, yours and Ashton’s. You were exhausted but happy. You had the best husband and the most wonderful kids you could ever asked for. They were your boys and you loved them more than anything.

‘You did amazing love.’ Ash whispered into your ear. You kissed him. ‘I love you and you will be the best mom ever. Thank you for giving me the most beautiful babies in the world.’ ‘I love you to Ash, so much and so do those two.’ You said pointing to your sons. ‘go to sleep babe, you must be exhausted.’ You nodded and closed your eyes. ‘sleep tight love.’ You heard Ashton say before you drifted off to sleep. You had the most amazing family you could ever ask for.


Hope you like it Emily:D xxLizzie

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