Ashton imagine: He accidentally kills your child's pet

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‘Hey Ash, I’m home.’ You yell when you walk through the front door of the house you share with your husband Ashton, your son Mason and your daughter Valerie. ‘Babe! Finally you’re home! I need help. I… the fish… Val…’ Ash came rushing towards you with desperation written all over his face. ‘wow Ash, calm down. Tell me what happened, slowly.’ You said hugging him hoping he would calm down a bit. ‘I was cleaning Princess Fish’s bowl when she jumped out of the glass of water I put her in and went straight down the drain.’ You gasped. Princess Fish was your daughters goldfish and probably her most precious possession. She would be absolutely devastated if she found out her beloved goldfish was killed by her own father. ‘Okay Ash, calm down, we can figure something out.’ You thought for a moment and then thought of a plan. ‘Okay babe, grab your keys we have an hour before we have to pick up Val from preschool so let’s go to the pet shop and find a replica of Princess Fish. You have a picture of Princess Fish right?’ ‘Yeah, yeah I have one. Let’s go fast.’

You and Ash drove to the pet store as fast as you could and went inside. ‘Can I help you with something?’ the sales guy asked. ‘Yes, do you have a goldfish that exactly looks like this one?’ Ash asks, showing him the picture. ‘I think we do follow me.’ The two of you followed the guy back to the fish tanks. He got some equipment and started looking for the fish that looks a lot Princess Fish. ‘You accidentally killed your kids’ fish didn’t you?’ the sales guy asks with a grin. ‘yeah I may have.’ Ash said blushing. ‘okay I think I found the one.’ He said showing you a little fish in a plastic bag. ‘a perfect match.’ You said. You and Ash bought the fish and went back to the car. ‘I will drop you off at home and then go straight to Val to pick her up so you got like 20 minutes to make it look like Princess Fish is perfectly fine and happy in her clean bowl, okay?’ you said to Ash. ‘okay, let’s drive.’

You dropped Ash off at home and drove to pick up Valerie. ‘Mommy!’ she said when she saw you. She ran towards you and jumped into your arms. ‘hi sweetie, how was school today?’ ‘it was fun! I made a drew a picture of daddy playing drums, do you think he’ll like it?’ she asked showing you the picture she drew. ‘I think he’ll love it, it’s beautiful. Let’s go home so you can give it to him.’ While the two of you walked towards the car you texted Ashton. We’re on our way. See you in 10 xxx

Ten minutes later you arrived at home. The whole journey your daughter wouldn’t stop talking about her day at school, but you didn’t mind, you loved hearing her talk. You loved everything about her for that matter, she was your perfect little girl. You helped her get out of the car and walked to the front door. ‘We’re home.’ You said once you walked through the front door. ‘Daddy!’ your daughter yelled, ‘I have something for you.’ Ash came walking out of the kitchen and gave Valerie a big hug. ‘Hey princess, how was school?’ ‘it was good daddy. Look I drew this picture for you! See that is you playing the drums and there are uncle Cal and uncle Luke and uncle Mikey.’ She said with a big smile on her face. ‘wow princess, this is amazing. I’m gonna take a picture of it and sent that to your uncles and then I’m going to frame this picture and hang it right there on the wall.’ He said while pointing to the wall where you hang a lot of the things your children had made in school. ‘I love you daddy.’ ‘I love you too princess.’ They shared another hug. You loved these cute little family moments, you loved your family. ‘I’m gonna feed Princess Fish now.’ Val announced. Ashton looked at you terrified. ‘it’s gonna be okay.’ You whispered. ‘she won’t notice.’ ‘I sure hope not because that would be a disaster.’ ‘if she doesn’t come back crying within the next 10 seconds everything is okay.’ You said. Then your son Mason walked into the living room. ‘That isn’t the real Princess Fish, is it?’ He said. Both you and Ashton looked a little bit shocked. ‘Of course it is. Why wouldn’t that be Princess Fish?’ Ashton said. ‘I can see the difference. So what happened to the real one?’ ‘I may have accidentally let her disappear in the sink.’ Ashton admitted. ‘Don’t you dare tell your sister Mason.’ You said in your strict mother voice. ‘okay, okay I won’t’ he said walking away. ‘Mommy, I’m hungry.’ Valerie said walking back into the living room. ‘Come with me. I’ll make you a sandwich.’ You said taking her hand and walking into the kitchen. You looked back at Ashton and smiled. She hadn’t noticed. Mission accomplished.  


Another request from Emily:) Hope you like it! xxLizzie

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