Ashton Imagine for Cayce Jones

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Ashton’s POV

‘You can do this Ashton. This is the day you’ve been waiting for all your life.’ I said to myself in the mirror. ‘It’s all gonna be fine Ash.’ Michael said to me. ‘Yeah mate, you look dashing, everything outside is ready, nothing can go wrong.’ Calum added. ‘Don’t say that Cal! When you say nothing can go wrong something always goes wrong.’ I said panicking. I was so damn nervous. ‘Look Ash, I know you’re nervous. I’ve been in the same position not too long ago but as soon as you see her walking down the aisle, I assure you, all the nerves will vanish.’ Luke said. This calmed me down a bit. He knows what he is talking about. He was in the same position 4 months ago when he married Alex. ‘Thanks Luke.’ I said giving him a hug. ‘No need to be nervous Ash. She loves you, you love her. The two of you are gonna live happily ever after.’ Michael said. ‘You know you’re next right Mikey?’ Luke laughed. Mikey started blushing. ‘You’re hiding something! Spill!’ Calum said to Mikey in a demanding tone. ‘I may have bought the ring yesterday and I was planning to propose to Kaleigh tonight when we got home.’ He said still blushing. I ran over to him and engulfed him in a bearhug. ‘Our Mikey is growing up.’ I said wiping away my non existent tears. ‘Stop being mean Ash.’ Michael pouted. ‘Sorry Mikey, I love you.’ I said blowing him a kiss. ‘I hate you.’ He mumbled. ‘I’m proud of you Mikey. I’m sure she’s gonna say yes.’ Calum said. ‘Damnit how did you guys do it? How were you able to stay calm? I’m freaking out here!’ Michael exclaimed. ‘Wait till your wedding day it’s even more nerve wrecking.’ I said to him. It’s weird to think that soon everyone in the band is gonna be married. My wedding day is today, Luke married for months ago, Calum married about one and a half year ago and is expecting his first baby and now Michael is gonna propose. I broke from my thoughts when there was a knock on the door. ‘Ash, are you ready?’ My mom asked, stepping into the room. ‘Yes.’ I said and gave her a hug. It’s time. Within an hour I’m gonna be married to the love of my life, Cayce Jones.


Cayce Jones’ POV

I was trying so hard not to break down in tears. The nerves were becoming too much. I was thinking of all the things that could possibly go wrong. Let me tell you, there are a lot of things that can go wrong on your wedding day. You could trip while walking down the aisle, the priest could decide not to show up, you could look horrible, someone could object to the marriage and worst of all: He could change his mind about marrying you. ‘Cayce!’ Kaleigh yelled bringing me back out of my thoughts. ‘Stop thinking of all the things that could go wrong!’ She said. ‘How did you know I was thinking about that?’ I asked her. ‘I know you long enough to know that you always worry too much babe.’ she said giving me a hug. ‘He’s nervous too, you know.’ Alex said. ‘How do you know that?’ I asked. ‘Calum just texted me that he almost had a nervous breakdown.’ Sarah, Calum’s wife, said. ‘Sweetie it’s gonna be fine. You look so beautiful, Ash won’t be able to take his eyes off of you.’ Kaleigh said. ‘Or his hands.’ Alex said giving me a wink. They were right, I looked beautiful and Ashton loves me. Ashton loves me and that’s all that matters. There was a knock at the door. ‘Hi dad.’ I said as my dad walked into the room. His eyes started to water. ‘You look so beautiful princess.’ he said. I went over to hug him. ‘Thank you daddy and please don’t cry.’ I said, trying not to cry myself. ‘I’ll try princess but we have to go now. your soon to be husband is waiting at the altar.’ He said with a big smile. ‘I’m gonna get married.’ I squealed. Everybody laughed at my excitement. The nerves were still there but they weren’t as overwhelming as a couple of minutes ago. My dad and I walked out of the room. I took a deep breath and we opened the doors. That’s when I saw Ashton standing there at the end of the aisle. He looked stunning in his tux. I always loved it when he wore a tux. We looked into each others eyes and smiled like idiots.

The ceremony went by so fast. I couldn’t believe it. I’m married. I married the love of my life. I’m now Mrs. Irwin. Wow.

‘I love you Cayce.’ Ashton whispered in my ear. ‘I love you too Ashy.’ I whispered and pecked his lips. ‘IT’S TIME TO PARTYY!’ Calum screamed and the party begun. Best. Day. Of. My. Life.


Hope you like it since you didn't specifically say what you wanted to happen:) XxLizzie

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