preference #32: telling the boys you're engaged

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Ashton's POV:

The day after I had proposed to (Y/N) I had to go to the studio to do some recording. I really didn't want to, I just wanted to stay home and cuddle with my fiancée. '(Y/N)? Baby?' She opened her eyes. 'I have to go into the studio I'll be back around 5' I informed her. 'Do you really have to?' She asked sleepily. 'Yeah, unfortunately I do. You know I'd much rather stay here with you and cuddle but they need me.' 'Have fun and when you get home I want cuddles.' She said smirking. 'As soon as I get back you'll get your cuddles' I said and kissed her forehead. I walked out of the house and left for the studio.

15 minutes later I arrived at the studio and walked up to the elevator to ride to the floor where the guys were waiting for me. I stepped out of the elevator and was greeted by my three band mates. 'Hey Ash! You look really happy, why's that?' Cal said. 'Yeah Ash you're glowing.' Luke added. 'I agree' Mikey said. I didn't know what to say, was I really glowing. I mean, yeah I was really happy but glowing? 'Ash spill!' Luke said. ' uhm yeah I am really happy.' I said blushing a bit. 'And you're happy because.....' Cal encouraged me. 'I'm happy because...' I started. The boys looked at me waiting for me to go on. 'I'm happy because I asked (Y/N) to marry me yesterday and she said yes.' The boys jumped out of their seats cheering and clapping. They hugged and congratulated me, then they called (Y/N) to inform her they were on their way to give her a big hug.


You and Calum had just finished dinner with his parents and were now on your way home. Calum's phone started to vibrate indicating someone was calling. 'Can you answer that for me (Y/N)? It's just Mikey.' You grabbed the phone and clicked the answer button. 'Hi Mikey!' 'Hey (Y/N). Where's Cal?' Michael asked. 'He's driving, so he asked me to answer.' 'Owh that explains. I just called to ask if you guys wanted to come to my place for a movie night.' 'Sounds good to me. Wait a sec I'll ask Cal.' You asked Calum if he wanted to go and he agreed on going. 'We'll see you guys in 10 minutes.' You said your goodbyes and hung up.

After a 10 minute car ride the two of you arrived at Mikey's. You got out of the car, walked to the door and knocked. A few seconds later Michael opened the door and let the two of you in. You hugged Michael when you had taken of your coat and had put it away. Cal did the same while you walked into the living room to be greeted by Luke and Ashton. They got up and hugged you too. First Luke and then Ashton. Ashton pulled out of the hug, grabbed your hand and gasped. '(Y/N)? Is this what I think it is?' He whispered. You smiled and nodded. 'OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!' Ashton exclaimed. 'Ash why are you screaming?' Calum asked. 'Oh Cal you out of all people should know.' He said with a smirk on his face. 'I'm confused' Michael said. 'Me too' Luke added. 'Well,' Ashton started. 'Our dear friend Calum finally got the balls to ask (Y/N) here to marry him and she said yes!' 'Really?' Luke and Michael said at the same time. Calum came over to you and kissed the top of your head while you held out your hand so the boys could see your beautiful engagement ring. The rest of the night was spent watching movies and making wedding plans, well the other 3 boys made the wedding plans....


Luke had just hung up the phone after telling his parents about your engagement and they were so happy for the two of you, his mom even started crying. 'I love you' he said. 'I love you too Luke' you said and then kissed him. A phone started ringing, it was yours. You grabbed it from the nightstand as you and Luke were currently laying on the bed. You looked at the caller ID to see it was your best friend calling. You answered. 'Hii (Y/B/F/N)!' 'Hiyaa (Y/N), how are you doing?' 'I'm great, never better. You?' You asked. 'I'm pretty good myself. What are you up to?' 'Oh I'm just laying on the bed with my fiancée.' You said grinning. 'YOUR WHAT?' She said choking on whatever she was drinking or eating. 'My fiancée.' You repeated. 'OMG ASHTON GET YOUR BUT OVER HERE! LUKE FINALLY PROPOSED TO (Y/N)! THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED!' You heard her scream to her boyfriend Ashton who was one of Luke's best friends and his band member. A couple seconds later you heard multiple set of feet storming into her room. She had put you on speaker. '(Y/N) please tell me she isn't joking.' Ashton pleaded. You started to laugh and so did Luke. 'She isn't lying.' Luke said. 'Oh my god.' You heard voices say. Voices that sounded a lot like Calum and Michael's. 'Cal? Mike?' Luke said. 'Yes we're here too and oh my God this is amazing!' Calum said. You and Luke laughed again. You continued the phone conversation for a little while before hanging up and going to sleep with your fiancée.


The next morning you woke up because of the sun shining through your window. You stretched your arms and looked next to you to see your precious fiancée. He opened his eyes and gave you a smile. 'Good morning' he said in his groggy morning voice. 'Good morning to you too' you said and pecked his lips. I was getting out of the bed when Michael pulled me back. 'No, you're not getting out. We are spending the day in bed.' He said. 'I would love to but may I remind you that you and I both have to work today.' 'We'll call in sick.' 'No Mikey we can't call in sick' you said sternly. Michael started to pout. 'No Michael I'm not falling for this. Stop pouting! I'm gonna shower now and get ready for work.' You left the bed and went into the bathroom. You showered and got dressed for work. You walked out of the bedroom to be met by a grinning Michael. 'Michael, what did you do?' You asked. 'I may have phoned your boss to tell him you weren't coming in today because you were sick.' He said. 'You did what?' You asked trying to be mad at him. But honestly you couldn't be mad at him, you wanted to stay home and cuddle really bad. 'He said to get better soon.' He said still grinning. 'Mikey you can't just do that. You have to get to work too.' You said. 'I can take care of that.' He said and grabbed his phone. 'What are you doing?' You asked. 'Calling Ash.' He said holding the phone to his ear. 'Hi Ash, I'm not coming in today. I'm gonna cuddle with my lovely fiancée.' 'Your what?' You heard Ashton say. 'You heard me, my fiancée. I asked (Y/N) to marry me yesterday and she said yes. Now as you will excuse me I'd like to get back to where we left off yesterday.' He said winking at you. 'TMI MICHAEL' Ashton yelled. Ashton hang up and you got back into bed with Michael. After you and Michael went at it a couple times Mikey checked his phone and saw that he had a couple of texts from all the boys congratulating them on their engagement.


I'm really sorry guys for not updating. I'm having killing headaches for quite samen time now. I'm really, really sorry! Als forgive me for making a lot of mistakes. I typed this on my phone. I also wanna thank you guys soooooo much for all he votes, reads and lovely comments. You Guys are the best and I Love you!! Hope you Guys like it. xxLizzie

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