Preference #37: Telling you/his parents you're pregnant Luke.

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‘How are my two favourite girls?’ Luke asked while he walked into our bedroom. I was already in bed reading a book. I looked up from my book and shot him a disapproving look. ‘Luke how many times do I have to tell you? We don’t know if it’s a girl.’ Luke keeps saying I am pregnant with a girl but I’m only 2 months so we don’t know for sure yet. ‘I just know it’s a girl (y/n).’ ‘I know that you think that babe, I just don’t want you to be disappointed when we find out that it isn’t a girl.’ I said honestly. I really didn’t want him to be disappointed when our child is a boy. ‘I will never be disappointed love. boy or girl, I will love our child unconditionally.’ He slid next to me in bed and kissed my temple.

We cuddled for a couple minutes before Luke spoke up. “I can’t wait for her to be born.’ His hands were placed protectively over my barely existent bump. ‘Me neither.’ I said looking down at his hands on my belly. ‘Only 7 more months.’ I whispered. ‘We still have a lot to do before she comes though. We have to go shopping for clothes, a crib, a car seat, and a lot of other stuff. We also need to paint the nursery and we still need to tell everybody about our little miracle.’ Luke said never tearing his eyes off of my belly. An idea popped into my head. I grabbed my phone and silently took a picture of Luke who was still cooing over my belly. He didn’t even notice that I’d taken a picture of him. ‘I think we should send our parents this picture and let them guess. They’ll probably guess it straight away but I don’t care.’ I said with a small chuckle. Luke looked at the picture and also let out a chuckle. ‘Perfect plan babe.’ He said. We sent both of our parents a message with the picture and just waited for them to reply. We decided to watch a movie while waiting.

Halfway through the movie Luke’s phone started to vibrate. We looked at each other and I grabbed the remote to pause the movie. He answered the call.



‘I don’t know mom. What do you think it means?’ Luke said, trying not to laugh.

Oh you know what I think it means Lucas so just tell me. Am I gonna be a grandma or not?’ his mom said.

‘Yes Liz, you’re gonna be a grandma. I’m pregnant.’ I said. She started to squeal and called Luke’s dad over.

‘Andrew get over here! We’re gonna be grandparents!’ We heard someone enter the room on the other end of the line.  ‘What did you just say?’ We heard Luke’s dad say. ‘We’re gonna be grandparents!’ Liz said excited. ‘They’re on the phone now.’

‘Hi dad or should I say granddad.’  Luke said with a chuckle. ‘Hi Andrew.’ I greeted.

‘Please guys tell me that she isn’t joking.’ Andrew said with a voice full of hope.

‘She isn’t joking, I’m two months pregnant.’

‘Oh my god this is amazing.’ His dad said a bit in shock. Then my phone started to vibrate.

‘Mom, dad, we have to go now cause (y/n) her parents are calling too. We have our first scan tomorrow so we’ll call you afterwards okay?’ Luke said.

That’s okay honey! Call us straight away okay? And send us a picture of our grandchild!’ His mom said.

‘We will mom! The three of us love you, bye.’

‘We love you three too! bye sweeties!’ Luke ended the call and at the same time I answered my phone. The talk with my mom went almost exactly the same as the call with his mom. Only my mom immediately started online shopping for baby clothes.

I was so happy that both of our parents were so supportive of this baby. Luke and I are still a bit young but we are ready for this. After the phone call with my mom I cuddled into Luke’s chest and soon fell asleep. I couldn’t wait for our little baby to be born. We were soon gonna be a happy family.


So here it finally is…. I’m sorry you guys had to wait so long! xxLizzie

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