Ashton imagine for Emma

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Finally the day was here, the day you were finally going to see 5sos live. You love all of the 5sos boys but Ashton has a special place in your heart. It’s just the way he smiles with those insanely cute dimples, the sound of his laugh, you could never get enough of that sound, how he looks when he plays the drums… ‘Emma, get out of bed. (Y/B/F/N) is here.’ You hear your mom yell from down the stairs. You groan. ‘I’m coming.’ You yell back. You get out of bed and walk down the stairs, you don’t care about the way you look right now since it’s only your best friend, she has seen worse. ‘ Hiii girl!’  she said enthusiasticly. You hugged her ‘Hiyaa lovely, you ready for this?’ ‘Hell yeah! I was born ready!’ You laughed at her answer and dragged her up the stairs to your bedroom.

The two of you had been waiting, dreaming for this day to arrive for so long. The two of you started to get ready by dancing around the room to all of 5sos’ songs. Then you decided it was time for clothes, hair and make up. You decided on wearing your favourite pair of jeans and your 5sos tshirt. (Y/B/F/N) then started to braid your hair while you did your make up. ‘ so are you ready to meet Ashton?’ she asked. ‘ IF I was going to meet him, which I’m probably not, I don’t know what I would do then actually. I would be really awkward I think.’ ‘ you’re not awkward, you are your beautiful funny self and Ash will love you because your going to meet him!’ ‘Probably not’ ‘ I’m trying to be optimistic here.’ The both of you laughed and fangirled some more. Before you knew it it was time to leave.

20 minutes later you arrived at the venue the concert was held at. There were a lot of girls waiting to get inside the building. So the two of you just waited and talked to some of the other girls. Soon enough the doors opened and everyone was allowed to enter the venue. There were so many girls trying to get inside that you lost (Y/B/F/N) in the proces. Once you were inside you decided to wait for her in some kind of waiting area that was set up. You tried calling her multiple times but she didn’t pick up. It was almost time to go inside. ‘ Hey are you okay?’ you heard a fimiliar voice speak from behind you. You turned around the be met with the most gorgeous face you had ever seen and it belonged to Ashton Iwrin. ‘ uhmm yeah I’m fine. It’s just that I can’t find my friend and she won’t pick up her phone.’ ‘oh that sucks’ he said flashing you that smile you love so much. ‘I’m Ashton but I think you already knew that.’ He said smiling again. ‘yeah I knew’ you said also laughing. ‘I’m Emma.’ ‘ Nice to meet you Emma.’ Ashton said shaking your hand. ‘what would you say if I invited you backstage after the concert? I would love to get to know a beautiful girl like you.’ Your cheeks started to redden. Ashton Irwin just called you beautiful. ‘I would love that.’ You said smiling like and idiot. He gave you his phone ‘ can I have your number gorgeous? Because today won’t be the last time we see each other if that’s okay with you of course.’ You put your number into his phone. ‘I have to go now but I will see backstage after the show right?’ ‘ yup I’ll be there.’ You said smiling. He kissed your cheek which caused your face to redden even more. ‘ oh and you can take your friend with you , that’s if you can find her.’ He said laughing. You laughed too and saw (Y/B/F/N) at the end of the hallway. ‘ I think I just found her.’ You said. ‘ see you in about an hour beautiful’ ‘see you then. And Ashton, Good luck on stage.’ He blew you a kiss and then walked away. You walked towards (Y/B/F/N). ‘Hey’ you saud casually.’oh my… where were you? I couldn’t find you anywhere.’ She exclaimed. ‘oh I was just casually waiting for you on that couch over there while I talked to Ashton for a bit.’ ‘YOU WHAT?’ ‘ I think you heard me’ you said smirking. ‘ I told you you were going to meet him!’ ‘ yeah you were right. Oh and something else, he invited us backstage after the show.’ (Y/B/F/N) was now full on squealing. The two of you walked towards your seats while you told her the whole story. You couldn’t wait for the show to end.


This one is for Emma:) I hope you like it! xxLizzie

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