preference #31: Telling your/his parents you're engaged

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You and Ash were cuddling on the couch. You still felt like you were dreaming, staring at the beautiful ring on your finger. Ashton had proposed an hour ago and since then the two of you hadn’t left the couch.  You just layed there cuddling, kissing and talking about the future. ‘I think we should tell our parents.’ Ashton said. ‘yeah I think we should.’ You answered. ‘Yours first?’ he asked. ‘I will text my mom to go log on to skype. Can you grab the laptop?’ ‘yup, be right back.’ He said and got up from the couch to go get the laptop while you texted your mom.

5 minutes later you saw your mom’s face appear on your laptop screen. ‘hey mom!’ ‘ Hi (Y/N) & Ashton.’ She answered. ‘So why did you want to skype?’ your mom asked. ‘Oh no particular reason. I just missed you.’ Ash started to chuckle. ‘Why are you chuckling Ash? Did (Y/N) say something funny?’ your mom said to Ashton. ‘ Oh no she just lied that’s all. We did skype you for a particular reason. She does miss you, that wasn’t a lie.’ ‘Well what was the reason for this skype call then?’ ‘I asked your beautiful daughter to marry me and she said yes.’ Ashton said with a huge smile on his face. Your mom started to squeal and Ashton kissed your cheek. ‘Oh my! Congratulations guys. I’m so proud of the both of you and I love you two!’ ‘ We love you too mom!’

You talked for a couple more minutes and then said your goodbyes to go visit Ashton’s parents to tell them the news.


Two days ago Calum had asked you to marry him and of course you said yes, you loved him heaps. Today the two of you were going over to his parents house to tell them the good news. You put on a floral dress and some sandals and then curled your hair and applied a bit of make up. ‘You look stunning.’ Calum suddenly said out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around your waist. ‘I didn’t hear you come in.’ you said. ‘That’s because I’m secretly a ninja.’ He said with a serious face. You started to giggle. ‘Do you have anymore secrets that I need to know before I marry you?’ ‘No, all you need to know is that I love you (Y/N).’ ‘I love you too Calum.’ You pecked his lips. ‘Let’s go tell my mom.’ He said grabbing your hand and guiding you down the stairs to the car.

15 minutes later you arrived at his parents’ house. Both of you got out of the car and walked towards the front door. Calum knocked on the door and seconds later his mom opened the door with a big smile on her face. ‘Calum, (Y/N), come in!’ You and Calum walked inside and hugged his mom. ‘How are you two doing?’ ‘ We’re good mom.’ Calum answered. Then his dad walked in. He greeted and hugged the two of you. All of you went in to the livingroom to have a cup of tea.

After a couple minutes Calum’s sister, Mali Koa, walked in. ‘Hii brother and brother’s girlfriend.’ She said smiling. She hugged Calum and then walked over to hug you when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. ‘What’s that shiny thing on your finger (Y/N)?’ she asked. ‘Oh this?’ you said holding your hand out for her to get a better look. ‘Calum got me this, isn’t it pretty?’ you said acting all innocent. ‘It’s goddamn gorgeous, but is it the kind of ring I think that it is?’ ‘Well if you think it’s an engagement ring then yes it’s what you think it is.’ Calum said. ‘You proposed to her?’ Calum’s mom said. ‘Yes I did.’ Calum said proudly. ‘and I said yes.’ You added. Everybody hugged the two of you and when his dad went to hug Calum you heard him say; ‘I’m so proud of you son. She is the perfect girl for you.’ You couldn’t wait to marry Calum.


You and Luke were still at the beach, he had just proposed and of course you’d said yes. ‘hey Luke?’ you said breaking the comfortable silence. ‘Yeah Princess?’ ‘I was thinking, my parents are at their beach house right now, maybe we could go visit and tell them the news. It’s only a 10 minute walk.’ ‘Sounds amazing, let’s go!’ You and Luke walked over to your parents’ beach house and knocked on the door. You dad opened the door. ‘(Y/N), Luke. How lovely to see you two!’ he said and let you two in. ‘Hey dad, we were just walking on the beach and thought we’d stop by. Is mom home too?’ ‘yeah she’s in the kitchen making dinner. You two like to join?’ ‘Yeah sure.’ You said.

30 minutes later you were having dinner with your mom and dad. You couldn’t help but notice that your dad was constantly staring at Luke with a questioning expression. ‘Dad, is everything okay?’ ‘Yeah I’m fine. Why’d you ask?’ ‘because you’re staring.’ ‘I was not.’ He said defensively. ‘yes you were.’ Your dad sighed in defeat. ‘I just wanted to know if Luke had done it yet.’ He mumbled. ‘done what?’ you and you mom said at the same time. ‘I have actually.’ Luke said. That’s when you knew what your dad was talking about and started to smile. Your mom was still confused and your dad had a huge smile on his face. ‘I told you she would say yes.’ He said, getting up to hug Luke. Your mom was still very confused. ‘Mom, Luke and I are getting married.’ You said. Your mom gasped and started to cry. You rushed over and hugged her. ‘Oh my. I’m so happy. My baby is getting married.’

The four of you talked for a little while longer before you and Luke left to go home and call his parents.


‘Mikey, shouldn’t we tell our parents that we’re getting married?’ you asked Michael. You and Michael were laying in bed and Michael had proposed to you earlier in the evening. Of course that had to celebrated and what better way to celebrate than pizza and some lovin in the bedroom. ‘Now?’ he asked. ‘It may be night here Mikey, but it’s day in Australia.’ ‘Good point love. Let’s call my mom.’ Michael reached over to the bedside table to grab his phone and dialed his mom’s number.

After a few rings she answered. ‘Hey Michael.’ She said. ‘Hey mom, (Y/N) is here to, you’re on speaker.’ ‘Hi (Y/N) dear, how are you?’ she asked you. ‘I’m great Karen, how are you?’ you answered. ‘I’m good darling. So what are you two doing up so late? It’s night over there right?’ ‘Yeah it’s 3AM right now. We were just talking about tonight’s events.’ Michael said. ‘Anything special happened tonight?’ Karen asked. ‘oh (Y/N) and I were supposed to have dinner but some prick ruined our dinner by flirting with (Y/N). She was alone because I was late and then I punched the guy, (Y/N) and I had a little fight and then I proposed, she said yes. And last but not least we did some passionate love making before calling you.’ ‘MIKEY!’ you gasped as you elbowed him. How could he say that to his mom? Then you realised you were talking about Michael Clifford, you should have seen this coming. ‘Oh my god, you’re getting married?’ ‘Yes we are.’ You said smiling and looking at michael. He pecked your lips. ‘I’m so excited.’ She said. ‘but Mikey, be safe, first marriage then babies.’ She added chuckling. ‘I will mom.’ He said. ‘I’m gonna hang up now and let you to get back to whatever you were doing.’ ‘I love you mom.’ ‘I love you both too.’ Michael hang up and the two of you cuddled before falling asleep, happily.


hiii guise sorry for the late update again... i'm just not feeling so well and my laptop broke.... hope you like it and i'll update asap(: xxLizzie

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