Michael Imagine for Shannon

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‘Mike are you even listening?’ I said getting a bit angry. ‘Of course I am listening baby.’ He replied still not looking at me. This happens a lot lately. I talk to him but he just doesn’t listen. He’s too busy playing some stupid game on the playstation.

I just told him everything I had planned for my sister’s surprise party, asked for his opinion and asked if he could help pick a cake but of course he wasn’t listening. I was so done with that stupid playstation, I was so done with him not listening to me. I was getting really angry. I just wanted his attention for once so I grabbed the controller out of his hand and threw it away. It hit the wall and broke.

‘WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT?’ Michael screamed at me. ‘BECAUSE YOU NEVER LISTEN!’ I said trying not to break out in tears. ‘I’m so done with me talking to you and you not listening. Do you know how that makes me feel?’ I added while a few tears escaped. ‘Oh my God Shannon why are you so clingy? You always want me to listen to you but guess what I DON’T WANT TO. So just do me a favour and stop talking to me.’ Michael said. The tears were streaming down my face. I ran upstairs and started packing my suitcase. Michael made it clear he didn’t want me around anymore so I might as well leave. After 20 minutes I packed as much as I could fit in my suitcase, I would come and get the rest of my stuff later. I walked downstairs and went to grab my coat. ´Where are you going?’ I heard Michael say from behind me. Oh so now he wanted me to talk? ‘I’m leaving. It’s clear you don’t want me here anymore. I only irritate you.’ I said trying to hold back my tears again. I turned around and saw Michael standing there crying. ‘Please don’t leave.’ He said in a whisper. ‘I love you too much. You can’t leave, I won’t let you. Please Shannon you’re my everything. I didn’t mean to be such a dick, I’ve just been under a lot of stress lately. I know I shouldn’t have taken it out on you and I’m really sorry. Please baby I love you so much. Please don’t leave.’ He was now standing right infront of me looking me in the eyes. We were both crying. ‘I love you too Mikey but you really hurt me.’ I said looking at the ground. ‘I know I hurt you baby but I’m so so sorry. Will you please forgive?’  He said tilting my chin up so that he could look me in the eye again. I loved him so much and I didn’t wanna lose him over a stupid argument. ‘Okay I forgive you but please don’t hurt me like that again.’ I said. ‘I will never hurt you again baby, I love you too much.’ He leaned in and we shared a passionate kiss. ‘Now go upstairs and unpack that suitcase. When you get back downstairs we’re gonna cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.’ He said pecking my cheek and I went upstairs to unpack. The rest of the night was spent cuddling on the couch and whispering ‘I love you’s’ into each others ears.

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