Preference #17: he asks you to move in with him Calum

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You were exhausted and just couldn’t wait to go home to your apartment. You could leave work in an hour. ‘you can do this.’ You said to yourself. ‘only one more hour.’

Soon enough the hour was over and you could go home. You stood up and grabbed your stuff when you got a text.

From: Cal<3

Hii babe! I went to your apartment and grabbed some of your stuff, you’re staying at my place tonight. I missed you too much! xxxxLuvyouu

You smiled and texted him back.

To: Cal<3

I missed you too handsome(:do I need to pick up some food on my way over? see you in 20 minutes xxxxxLuvyoumoree

You and Calum had been together for the last 3 years and you two loved each other to pieces. You couldn’t wait to just cuddle with Calum, watch some random movie and probably fall asleep on the couch in his arms. He texted back.

From: Cal<3

Yes Please! Some pizza and ice cream would be great(: xxxxxxLuvyouuthemost HA!

You couldn’t help but smile at his reply. He was an idiot, but he was your idiot. An idiot you couldn’t live without.

You got into your car, picked up some pizza and ice cream and arrived at Cal’s apartment 30 minutes later. You opened the door with the key he had given you some time ago and went inside. ‘Cal?’ You called. ‘In the kitchen.’ He yelled back. You walked into the kitchen and saw your handsome boyfriend with his head in the fridge looking for something that probably wasn’t there. You put the pizza on the table and with the ice cream in your hands you walked over to the fridge. ‘babe, can you move for a little bit? Cause this ice cream is gonna melt.’ You said. He moved out of the way and you put the ice cream in the freezer. When you turned around Calum engulfed in a massive bear hug, another thing you loved about him, he gives the best hugs. ‘I really missed you (Y/N).’ he said not letting go of you. ‘I missed you too cal.’ You gave him a kiss. ‘let’s go eat some pizza and watch a movie.’ He suggested. You agreed.

The two of you were into the second movie and had finished your pizza and the ice cream. You began to get sleepy so you cuddled into Calum even more. ‘I love you (Y/N) sooooooo much.’ He whispered in your ear. You turned your head to face him, gave him a passionate kiss and whispered ‘I love you too Calum.’

‘(Y/N)?’ Calum said nervously. ‘yeah?’ ‘uhmm there is something I want to ask you, but it’s okay if you don’t want to. I just thought after being together for 3 years…’ You giggled. ‘Get to the point Cal, you’re rambling.’ His face got red, then he looked you in the eye and asked ‘Do you want to move in with me?’ Suddenly there was a big smile on your face and you gave Calum another passionate kiss. ‘YES, I would love to move in with you!’ A wave of relief washed over Calum’s face. ‘Thank god, otherwise this would have been so awkward.’ You both laughed. ‘We’ll go get your stuff tomorrow, let’s get some sleep first in OUR bed.’ Cal said. The two of you went the upstairs, the movie long forgotten. You lay in bed in each other’s arms and it was like the world around you didn’t exist anymore, it was just you and Calum.


part two out of four:) don't forget to leave your ideas about the things I write and about what I should write! xxLizzie

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