preference #28: First kiss Muke

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Today was your third date with Luke and he wwas going to take you to the beach. You really like him and hoped the feeling was mutual. The doorbell rang. You went to open the door knowing it was Luke. ‘hey (Y/N)’ he said, giving you a hug. ‘hii Luke’ ‘you look beautiful as always.’ You started to blush at his compliment. ‘thank you.’ ‘you ready to go?’ ‘yup’ you replied and grabbed the bag with the stuff you needed. You had packed it earlier and put it next to the door so you could grab it and go.

The ride to the beach wasn’t really long and filled with small talk between you and Luke. Once you arrived at  the beach you and Luke laid down your towels, stripped down to your swim wear and ran into the water. Luke hugged you from behind and turned you around. You looked at each other and both of you started to lean in. it was the first kiss you and Luke shared. ‘Will you be my girlfriend (Y/N)?’ he asked when he pulled away. ‘Yes’ you replied smiling and going in for another kiss.


It was Saturday night and you were dancing in your favorite club. This place was the place you could be found at almost every Saturday night. It was also the place he had been coming on Saturday night for the last couple of weeks. He, as in the guy you had your eye on ever since he first walked in several weeks ago. You sometimes would notice him staring at you too but neither of you had yet approached the other. You decided you were going to talk to him tonight as soon as you spotted him. ‘hey beautiful’ someone whispered in your ear from behind you. You turned around to be met with the guy you had been waiting for. ‘hi there handsome.’ You said smiling. ‘I had enough of the staring. I had to come over and kiss you.’ Well he has balls you thought and you liked it. ‘what are you waiting for then.’ Immediately his lips were on yours. He was an even better kisser than you’d imagined. ‘I’m Michael.’ He said when he pulled away. ‘(Y/N), nice to meet you.’ ‘nice to meet you too.’ The both of you were smiling and went in for another kiss. That day was the day you and Michael shared your first of many kisses.


I know it is a short one again but it's a really busy time for me right now so bare with me:) I really wanna try to upload once a day so I'm gonna do my best to make that happen! xxLizzie

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