Preference #22: he proposes Ashton

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‘(Y/N) baby wake up.’ You hear the sweet voice of your boyfriend Ashton say. You and Ash had been together for almost 5 years now. You got together when the two of you were still in high school and are still very happy together.

You open your eyes to be met with Ash’s beautiful face. He kissed your cheek and you smiled. You loved this guy with your whole heart. ‘Good morning Ash’ ‘Good morning beautiful, I made you some breakfast so go fresh up and I’ll meet you downstairs. You found this quite strange but you did what he said anyway. Ash isn’t one to make you breakfast, you are always the one to make him food. You went into the bathroom and splashed some water in your face to really wake up. You put on something less revealing and then went down the stairs and into the kitchen. You stood in the door way with your mouth open. So much food you thought.  ‘I know. It took a lot of time and effort to make it look like this.’ Ash said. You had apparently thought out loud again, you tend to do that a lot. ‘It looks beautiful Ash and freaking delicious.’ You said smiling. ‘well let’s eat then’ He said returning the smile. The two of you ate the amazing breakfast and once you were done you went to go cuddling on the couch.

‘so Ash would you like to tell why you made us this delicious breakfast?’ you asked. ‘well uhm I did it because I uhmm want to uhmm…’ ‘Are you nervous about something Ashy?’ you said giggling. He got up from the couch and pulled you up with him. You stood there facing each other when Ashton got down on one knee. You gasped and your hand flew to your mouth. ‘(Y/N) (Y/L/N) you are the most wonderful person I have ever met. You’re beautiful, smart, funny, talented. Did I say beautiful already?’ You let out a giggle and your eyes started to water. ‘What I want to say is that you’re perfect and I love you so much it hurts to be away from you even for a second. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have kids with you, grow old together. So I’m just going to ask you, will you marry me?’ He finished looking at you with hopeful eyes. You let a tear slip down your cheek and then nodded vigorously. You didn’t trust your voice at the moment. Ashton then put the most gorgeous ring you had ever seen on your finger, you were to in shock before to even notice him pulling a ring out of his pocket. Ashton stood back up and engulfed you in a massive hug. ‘I love you future Mrs. Irwin.’ He whispered into your ear. You kissed him passionately and whispered ‘I love you more Mr. Irwin. I’d love to marry you, have kids with you and grow old with you. You make me so damn happy.’ The both of you smiled. You were going to marry the man of your dreams.


enjoy lovelies:) I just finished some major school projects so I will have more time to write yeahhh:) whoop whoop xxLizzie

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