Preference #26: He proposes Michael

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‘Hello there, what’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone?’ you hear someone say. You look up from your phone and next to you is standing some guy you don’t know. ‘This pretty girl is waiting for her boyfriend.’ You said to him. ‘oh what a shame. I bet your boyfriend isn’t as good and handsome as I am.’ He said while taking the seat opposite of you that was for Michael. You were in this cute little diner waiting for you boyfriend of 4 years Mike. He was supposed to meet you here a half hour ago for diner but he hadn’t arrived yet. ‘Could you and your arrogant ass please leave?’ you said to him in a bitchy tone. The guy was really starting to annoy you. He came closer to you and put his hand on your cheek but before you could slap his hand away, somebody else punched him to the ground. You looked up to see a very angry Michael. ‘Come on (Y/N). we’re leaving.’ He said through gritted teeth before pulling you up and dragging you out of the diner. He brought you to his car, both of you got into the car and drove off. The whole car ride nobody spoke. When you were inside your house you finally spoke.

‘Mikey, are you okay?’ you asked. ‘No (Y/N), no. I’m not okay. I just walk into a diner for a lovely diner with my lovely girlfriend when I see her flirting with some other guy.’ Michael yelled. ‘Michael I wasn’t flirting with him. HE was flirting with ME.’ You half said half yelled back at him. Michael had always been the jealous type but this was new for you. He never had been so angry as he was right now. ‘DO YOU THINK I’M STUPID! I SAW YOU!’ ‘Michael what’s the matter with you? You never are THIS jealous. Is there something I don’t know? Something that’s upsetting you?’ you asked trying to stay calm. ‘YES, yes there is something else. I was on my way to that diner and I arrived on time but I stayed in the car thinking over what I was going to say, how I was going to propose to you!’ You were shocked, did you just really hear that? ‘You were going to do what?’ you asked in still in shock. The two of you were still standing in the hallway. ‘I was going to propose to you.’ Mikey said more calm this time. Your eyes started to tear up. You ran up to him and hugged him. ‘I wasn’t flirting with that guy Mikey. I love you and only you.’ You whispered into his ear. Michael pulled out of the hug, looked you in the eye and before you knew it he was down on one knee holding a beautiful diamond ring. ‘(Y/N) I love you too so damn much. I didn’t know what I was doing in that diner. It was just… that guy touching your cheek the way I’m only allowed to touch your cheek made me so so mad. I want you to be mine (Y/N) and only mine. I know this probably sounds really selfish and possessive but I love you too much to ever let you go. That why I wanna ask you, my beautiful (Y/N) will you do me the honor of becoming my beautiful wife?’ you were now full on crying and you didn’t trust your voice at the moment so you just nodded with a huge smile plastered over your face. Mikey slipped the ring onto your finger and kissed you lovingly. ‘I love you so much future Mrs. Clifford. I can’t wait to marry you and spent the rest of my life with you.’ He whispered in your ear. ‘I love you too Mr. Clifford.’ You replied. ‘Now let’s order some pizza, I’m hungry.’ Michael said with a big smile. You laughed. ‘typical Mikey.’ You said to yourself. You were going to marry a pizza loving idiot, but he was the best pizza loving idiot you could ask for. You loved him more than anything else in the world or in Michael's words; ‘I love you more than pizza.’


the last one of the proposals:) what should I do next? I'm am so bad at choosing ughh.. Hope you like it and leave your beautiful thoughts! xxLizzie

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