Michael imagine for Ella

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‘Ella?’ ‘ELLA!’ I turned around when I heard someone yell my name. I saw my mom standing in the doorway looking really confused. ‘What’s up mom?’ I asked innocently, like I wasn’t going through my clothes like a crazy person only a minute ago. ‘What are you doing?’ she asked me, still looking confused. ‘I’m trying to find something to wear for tonight.’ I said. ‘And where are you going tonight?’ Oops, guess I forgot to tell her I was going out tonight. ‘I have a date.’ I said with a smile on my face. ‘Tell me more.’ my mom said as she sat down on my bed. My mom and I were really close. She’s my mom and best friend at the same time. ‘Okay, So his name is Michael and I met him that concert I went to last week. I felt someone staring at me so I turned around and there he was. He saw I’d seen him staring so he walked over to me. We started talking and after a while he asked if I wanted to go on a date with him.’ I told her, grinning like an idiot. ‘And then you said yes.’ My mom added. I nodded. ‘So where are you two going on your date? Because that may help you decide what to wear.’ ‘He said he’d take me to dinner and that I should wear something casual.’ I said. ‘Well in that case I think you should wear this.’ My mom said while picking up my high waisted black skirt and my favourite band tshirt. ‘Mom have I ever told you you’re my hero?’ ‘No, I don’t think so.’ she said grinning. I stood up and gave her a big hug. ‘You’re a hero mom.’ ‘I know.’ She said with a wink. ‘Now go get ready for your date.’

Two hours later the doorbell rang signaling that Michael was here to pick me up. I opened the door and there he was. He had a smile on his face. ‘Hey Ella.’ He gave me a hug. ‘Hi Mikey.’ ‘You look absolutely gorgeous.’ He said and my smile grew wider. ‘Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.’ ‘Thanks. You ready to go?’ ‘Yes. Let’s go.’ I said. We stepped outside and walked to his car to drive to wherever he was planning on taking me.

10 minutes later we arrived at the beach and I saw that he’d said up a cute little dinner. It looked absolutely amazing. ‘Wow Mikey, it looks amazing. You didn’t have to do all this.’ I said still stunned by the fact that he’d managed to set up a date as if it came straight out of a movie scene. ‘Yes, I did. You are perfect so you deserve a perfect date.’ He said taking my hand in his and walking me towards my seat. ‘It surely is perfect.’ I said. ‘Yes! Mission accomplished.’ He said as he sat down. I laughed at his remark.

The two of us ate the delicious dinner Michael had prepared while talking and laughing. When we were done eating Michael asked if I wanted to go for a walk on the beach. Of course I agreed. He took my hand in his and we walked alongside the water. ‘I really had fun tonight.’ I said breaking the comfortable silence. ‘Glad to hear that cause so did I.’ Michael said grinning. He suddenly stopped walking and brought his hand up to cup my face. ‘Ella, can I kiss you?’ He asked. I couldn’t speak so I just nodded. We both leaned in and his lips met mine. The kiss felt like magic as cliche as it might sound. I felt fireworks explode inside of me. I knew I liked Michael but in that moment I realized I liked him more than I thought I did. We pulled away for air and looked at each other. Michael spoke first. ‘Tonight was probably the best first date I’ve ever had. I really like you Ella. Ever since I saw you at the concert I knew I had to make you mine. I know it’s a bit too early to ask you to be mine but would you maybe go on another date with me?’ ‘I really like you too Mikey so I’d love to go out with you again.’ I answered. He leaned in again and we shared another kiss. ‘You’re a really good kisser, you know.’ I said. ‘I know.’ He said with a cocky smirk. I playfully slapped his arm. In revenge he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. ‘Michael put me down!’ I said. ‘Nope.’ He said, that smirk present on his face again. God I love that smirk.

Later that night when I was in my room removing my make up my mom walked in. ‘So?’ she asked. ‘So... what?’ I asked. ‘So is he boyfriend material?’ she asked looking at me with hopeful eyes. ‘Definitely.’ I said smiling. She squealed and hugged me. Tonight was probably one of the best nights of my life.


Hope you like it Ella:)

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