preference #12: Telling him you're pregnant Ashton

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You and Ashton had been married for 5 months now and had been trying for a baby for 3 months. The two of you really wanted to start a family and you knew Ashton would be a great dad. One morning you woke up feeling nauseous, you rushed to the bathroom and threw up. Then a thought popped into your head ‘could I be pregnant?’ you walked over the to the cabinet and grabbed a pregnancy test. You took the test and waited.

*5 minutes later*

The test was done. You walked over to the sink were you had laid it down, you looked at it and…. It was positive. You were pregnant! You and Ash were finally going to have a baby! You were so happy that you started dancing. You stopped dancing when you thought of Ashton. How were you going to tell him? You wanted it to be different. That’s when an idea popped into your head. You were going to make him a cake. You were really good at making cakes and Ash always loved them. This wasn’t going to be a normal cake, no, you were going to make a drum with a baby popping out of it and on the drum you would write ‘see you in 9 months daddy!’. The perfect idea.

You immediately started with the cake since it had to be finished before Ash came home at around 6. It was 5 p.m. when you finally finished the cake and it looked delicious and perfect. You went upstairs to change and when you were done you ordered some Chinese since you didn’t have time to cook after making that cake.

When you got off the phone you heard the front door open and close. Ash was home. You sat on the couch when he came up from behind you and kissed your cheek. ‘hey baby’ he said. ‘hey honey, how was your day?’ ‘a bit boring, I missed you.’ He said now kissing your lips. The doorbell rang. ‘that must be the Chinese.’ You said smiling. ‘you ordered Chinese?’ ‘yeah I didn’t have time to cook cause I made you a cake.’ you said walking back into the living room with the Chinese. ‘A cake? Where? Can I have it?’ ‘Not now pretty boy. It is our desert.’ You said laughing at his response to the word cake.

When you finished your food Ashton stood up to go get the cake but you stopped him. ‘Wait here, I’ll go get the cake.’ You said. You walked into the kitchen, got the cake and walked back to the living room. Before entering the room you took a deep breath. You walked in and put the cake down in front of your husband. He looked at the cake and his mouth fell open. ‘You-You’re p-pregnant?’ He asked stuttering. You nodded. His open mouth turned into the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. He jumped up from the couch and hugged you firmly, not wanting to let you go. You felt something wet on your shoulder, you turned to look at his face and saw he was crying. ‘Why are you crying honey?’ ‘I’m just so freaking happy right now!’ He said. ‘the love of my life is carrying my baby. This is one of the best days of my life. I love you so so much (Y/N).’ He kneeled down and kissed your stomach. ‘And I love you too baby. Your daddy loves you so much already and so does your mommy. I can’t wait to meet you!’ That was one of the happiest moments in your life. In 9 months you were going to have a beautiful baby with your beautiful husband. You are the luckiest girl alive.


here is the first telling him you're pregnant preference, the others will probably be up tomorrow. hope you like it, it is kind of a long one:) xxLizzie

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