Preference #15: Telling him you're pregnant Michael

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You were Mrs. Clifford for 4 months now and it were the happiest 4 months of your life. The wedding was beautiful, everything you ever dreamt of. Michael was everything you ever dreamt of.

For the last couple of weeks you’d been feeling sick. Every morning you’d throw up and you were constantly tired. At first you thought it was a flu but this ‘flu’ keeps going on for way too long.

Michael was getting worried too. ‘(Y/N) I think we should take you to a doctor.’ Michael said. ‘No mikey, I’m fine.’ You had this massive fear for doctors ever since you were little. ‘I know you hate doctors but please babe I’m worried sick.’ He pleaded. ‘No Michael, I’m not going!’ You said. ‘In that case I’m going to have to force you.’ Michael said with a serious face. He then lifted you out of the bed and carried you to the car. The whole car ride you kept begging Michael to turn around but he kept refusing.

Once you arrived at the doctor’s office Michael told you to sit down in the waiting area while he went to talk to the nurse behind the desk. He walked back over to you and told you they’d call your name in a moment. ‘It’s gonna be fine (Y/N). You’re gonna be fine!’ He said reassuring you. ‘I just don’t like it here Mikey, I don’t need to be here.’ ‘Yes, you do need to be here. I can’t live with myself if something happened to you.' He said and kissed your cheek.

15 minutes later

‘Mrs. Clifford?’ A nurse called. ‘That’s us (Y/N). Let’s go.’ Michael whispered in your ear. The two of you stood up and followed the nurse into an examination room.

She took a lot of tests and asked loads of questions. The nurse told you she’d be right back with the results.

‘It’s gonna be fine (Y/N), really! They’ll just give you some medicine and we’ll be out of her soon.’ Mikey said with a warm, loving smile. ‘I sure hope so.’ You said hoping his words were true. The two of you waited for the nurse to come back and talked about how recording was going. The band is currently finishing up an album and Michael is busy with it almost 24/7.

10 minutes later the nurse walked back in with a smile plastered on her face. ‘Hello again Mr. & Mrs. Clifford, I have some good news.’ She said. You were curious as to what she had to say. ‘What is the good news?’ You asked. ‘In 5 months the two of you will have a baby.’ She said happily. ‘You are 4 months pregnant Mrs. Clifford.’

You couldn’t believe it and began crying. Michael had the same look on his face as you had, disbelief. But both of your expression changed quickly into a massive smile. ‘I’ll leave you two alone for a moment. When I come back we can make an ultrasound to take a look at your baby.’ The nurse said and walked out of the door again.

‘Oh my… we’re going to have a baby (Y/N)! We’re going to be parents! This is amazing!’ Michael said, a tear slipping down his cheek. You collected the tear with you thumb and gave Michael the biggest smile. ‘You’re going to be the most amazing dad ever Mikey. I’m so happy! We’re going to be a family.’ ‘And you are going to be the best mom!’ You gave Michael a bone crushing hug and a passionate kiss. You were pregnant for 4 months and you didn’t even know it. You were going to be a family in 5 months. You were going to have a family with the love of your life. The nurse came back in and did the ultrasound. She gave you the pictures of your baby and the two of you left. That baby was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen.

The two of you went to the car and drove away. ‘It looks like our honeymoon gave us another souvenir.’ Michael said with a wink.


here's the last telling him you're pregnant one. Don't forget to request :) and let me know what preferences you guys want next! xxLizzie

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