Chapter Six

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My memory carried me back to when my mother and father always praised to me that love was the most important thing in the world. I suppose it was safe to say that I loved a lot. I loved when my legs pranced throughout the field, having the rubber ball slip in my sweaty palms as the equipment flew through the wondrous sky to another teammate. I loved the way my name was screeched from wasted teenage girls, begging for my attention. I loved my family; they were my sun, they're the brightest stars in the night sky. I loved the way music was the key to my inspiration, the way it spoke my thoughts in such a tasteful rhythm. And I've known since the age of fourteen, even though she can get under my skin; I've loved Tiffany.

"Babe." Tiffany's hand softly touch my cheek, brushing off the single tear I shed. "Calum will forgive you."

"But Tiffany," My eyes cast to my shoes scuffing the ground. " I never hit anyone, you know that. Yeah I can be a dick sometimes, but physical abuse crosses the line." I swallowed, having the dryness spread in my throat.

I shook my head looking at the beauty who sincerely grinned before me. Her wavy blonde hair tangled around her fingers while she sighed into the air. A small smile complemented her caramel color face as she intertwined our hands together. Her touch was so gentle, it was like I was the pieces of broken glass she was trying to pick up. My eyes gazed into her hazel ones, admiring her sentimental appearance.

"Luke, just go to practice, I have to leave to catch the plane for the cheer competition. I'll see you at your show in a few nights." Her plumped lips grazed against mine before I watched her as she swayed her hips walking down the vacant hallway.


The habitual smell of alcohol and weed took away from the crisp air that scampered through my lungs. Tiffany coughed from the drastic change in air as her grip tighten around my arm. I irritatingly looked at her as she rolled her eyes in pure revulsion when she notice a line of coke on the coffee table. Screams and outburst of laughter erupted throughout the whole house, but not as loud as the blaring music pounding through the highly decorated walls. My feet led me through the clutter of drunken kids grinding their sweaty bodies on each other like they had no care in the world. Tiffany's hand never left mine, it only loosened when we reached the kitchen table where everyone stood with red cups glued on their hands.

"Took you long enough Hemmo." Rain slurred as she giggled obnoxiously, snatching the freshly lit blunt out of Calum's mouth.

"But," Rain paused letting the smoke escape into her lungs. "Rad show."

I nodded my head in agreement as my hand lunged for the untouched beer bottle that lonely sat in front of Calum's out of state self. The cold liquid sent a rush down my spine as the common taste lingered on my needy taste buds. The reunion of the bitter substance increased my excitement, having a crooked smile on my face as I stared at my great escaped in the form of a sixteen ounce bottle. My mind was completely jumbled with the amount of intoxicated thoughts that the fact of Tiffany walking away was absent. It wasn't enough to sober up my brain and open up my bloodshot eyes as my feet briefly shuffled to the open fridge.

"Honey," Tiffany's stern voice snapped into my ears. "I have cheer leading practice tomorrow and don't intend to get drunk. Let's go." She demanded unpleasantly, clenching my arm.

I jerked away, scowling at her action, "No." I sneered.

Her eyebrows lifted and her eyes expanded, surprised by my utter lack of respect, "Excuse me?" She questioned folding her arms across her unnaturally flat chest.

I flung my keys at her, 'Take my car, why don't you? Babe." I victoriously grinned.

"Luke?" She questioned incredulously, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Without awareness a smile tugged at my lips.

"You're drunk, let's go baby." She pleaded, reaching for my arm that rested on the table.

"No." I stated with finality.

Her smile cracked, a flood sprouted in her hazelnut eyes. She raced out of the kitchen and bolted to the front door, storming away before another word evaporated into the musky air.

Michael grasped my shoulder amusingly, seeing the whole scene unfold, "Proud of you bro, you finally told that bitch off!" Asthon joined Michael as they smacked their cups against my bottle, while Calum clashed with the floor not being able to control his hazy state mixed with the laughter flying out of his mouth.

"So, you and the floor, a thing yeah?" I recognized the smooth tone when I looked at Blaze leaning onto an unfamiliar face's arm.

"What do you mean Blazie?" Calum held his words out as he rubbed his head from the sudden impact.

A wave of chuckles came over us as Blaze smiled and replied, " I've only known you for a week and you've came in contact with the floor at least two times."

I compiled with her, "Yeah Cal."

Micheal engaged in the sudden drunken talk, "Well actually, you caused it the first time." He nudged my shoulder.

"Well no need to kill the mood." I glared at him before rolling my eyes.

"Wow Liam, when you roll your eyes they look like waves." Blaze foolishly grinned, giggling into the crook of the neck of the stranger.

I confusingly looked at her. Her face was brighter than I ever witnessed, the depressing eyes she carried ignited like fire from the drugs and alcohol that swam through her veins. Rain stumbled over to her, shoving the guy away, allowing Blaze to lean against her. Laughter and squeals exchanged from their lips as they clasped onto each other's saturated bodies. I never thought I could see a sun shine that bright during a rainstorm, until Blaze wallowed into the highly equipped kitchen.

"It's Luke by the way." I clarified through coughs as the smell of weed enveloped my nostrils

"Whatever you say Liam." She dryly laughed followed by a winked before entering the mosh of wasted teenagers.


Hey guys! Oh my god I'm almost at 3K and I might as well cry because I'm so happy! I hope you guys liked this chapter because I know it had more dialogue than usual! Make sure to give feedback about the chapter!

And tbh Luke is a real asshole but it's okay he's hot af and oh my god my bluke feels are everywhere. And looks like Cal loves floors, oh well.

idk do you guys ship bluke? (blaze and luke)

But still Lucas you don't do that to Tiffany, I'm about to call Liz.

Oh I hope you guys had a good weekend too because yanno you all deserve to smile :-)

Lastly sorry for any mistakes my computer is still a stupid ass.

115 reads and 20 votes for the next chapter, also a few comments wouldn't hurt anyone..

Make sure to Stay Fabulous!

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