Chapter Twenty

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/warning this chapter is extremely emotional/


Secrets are toxic. They appear as a piece of chocolate, calling your name as it's rested in front of you. As you take a bite, you begin to choke, because it's not chocolate you're eating, it's poison. Secrets are like an anchor on the side of the boat, they drown you. It's when you own up to your secrets, you free them from the place you tried so hard hiding them, being able to finally move on. I had to teach myself that theory, and it wasn't easy.

I was in a ditch when I met Luke. I was vulnerable, desperate, and ruthless. He had the smile of an angel but the intention of the devil. He stitched me back together only to tear me apart. I thought when I let Luke hold me, he mended me back to one, but he didn't. I concluded with myself I was so attracted to Luke because he tasted like the danger I loved back home. He made me confused, he made me disstressed, I was only blithe with him when he was drunk. And that's not love, it's not fucking love. It's burns like acid and taste rotten to admit this but Luke used me. He used me to lie low from his problems and he used me for satisfaction. And I let him, I let him and I regret it.

Teaching myself Luke was no good, felt as if a thousand pounds fell off my shoulders. A door opened when the one with him slammed shut. I made friends, I smiled more, I felt more independent. With Luke, there was always fighting, always pain, always the energy of not being wanted. I feel as if now I'm needed, as if I have friends who appreciate me, who don't use me because of my money, and it's refreshing.

"Blaze!" Calum enveloped his arms around my waist, his head subsiding into my neck.

Laughing, an uninhibited smile amplified on my face. "Calum!" I mimicked his tone.

"It's last period! And then Christmas break!" He broadcast, I altered my head in an angle where I saw his eyes. They glistened with amusement and excitement, as if he was a child.

"Yes, you're correct." I told him, moving off of him so I could adjust the straps on my bag.

"Fire!" I heard Michael call his nickname for me, I turned my head to find him walking with Ashton who couldn't stop laughing with Rain.

"Well hello druggie." I smugly smiled, he rolled his eyes, his middle finger pointing towards me.

Ashton slapped Michael's hand, glaring before he spoke, "Hey now, don't swear."

"I didn't swear you shithead!" Michael defended himself.

"Yes you did! Stupid fucktard!" Ashton said aggravated.

"Ashton you're really not building your case. It's slowly crumbling to your feet." Calum shook his head, lacing his fingers with my free hand.

"You know," Rain said, draping her lanky arm over my shoulders, moving her head to look directly at Calum. "You're very touchy Cal."

"Damn why is everyone picking on each other!" Calum pouted, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"Okay you're five." I scoffed, walking backwards.

"Well come on you idiots we're going to be-" I stopped mid sentence, my body colliding with someone else's. I turned around, my cheeks red as I began to start my apology.

"Oh hello Blaze." My eyes widened at the sight of Tiffany, her lips tinted upwards, enjoying my fluster expression.

"Hello." I acknowledged her, taking two steps backwards.

She stood there, her smile slowly transforming into a shady smirk. I felt Calum's downy touch as his fingers grazed over my hand, locking his hand with mine. I stayed stiff as I waited for her to walk away, but she didn't. The bell rang and the hallway began to pool with people. Tiffany's eyes wandered around as her lips open up.

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