Chapter Fifteen

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I think when you fall for someone, your perspective on things changes. The littlest things about people transform into something more valuable. Blaze's laughter used to make me cringe but now it's my favorite sound in the world. I used to believe everything in the world was golden; I was sheltered so much I didn't even comprehend that people had problems. Observing Blaze taught me itself that not everyone swiftly moves about their lives. And it kills me, it fucking stabs me in the heart when tears cascade down her cheeks that should only be wet from my kisses.

Falling for someone is exhilarating but unnerving. When you fall, you have to put in effort and dedication for the relationship you want to mold into something great. It's like being in the middle of the sea, there's nothing around you can grab for support. You become your own support. And I'm scared, petrified honestly; because I feel lost. I've never fell for someone, I was shoved into a romantic bound. But if there's something I can put together, it's that I want Blaze and I know I shouldn't.

I looked up from my fingers that I concentrated on being drowned in my thoughts. The noises that fled through my vacation house arrived again as conventional voices filled the atmosphere. Without control my feet guided me outside, where a candied melody was being played; her voice.

She stood there, her naturally angelic  face shinned as she conversed with my mom. An oversized flannel immersed her petite body as her legs were gripped by black leggings. Stands of hair danced with the refreshing winds as most of it twisted in a braid that drowsily rested on her shoulder. I strolled over to them, although my eyes could only focus on her because everything she did took my breath away.

"Hello Blazie." I grinned, slightly squinting from the blaring sun.

"Hi Lucas. Or is it Pukey because you just seem to love Blazie! "

"Wow so funny." I rolled my eyes watching my mother chuckle into her hand. "I'll take your bags bubs."

"Bubs?" She question, the corner of her lips lifting up. "Rubbing off on you aren't I?"

"You have no idea." I muttered, my bare feet kicking through the crunchy leaves as I made my way back to the front door.


I groaned, my mother's meal completely filling my stomach. I looked over to Blaze who seemed to be struggling swallowing a piece of chicken. And not the struggling where your throat is dry and the piece won't go down; but the struggling as if she was forcing herself to eat. I was perplexed, at lunch she never seemed to have a problem stealing some of Rain's food, but she always had to use the bathroom before they left the cafeteria for class. My eyes gazed along her hand that clenched around the piece of metal. Her eyes lifted up, locking with mine. I desperately tried to discover the emotion she held in today, but I couldn't.

"Luke," I snapped out of my daze when Blaze's mother's voice met the air.

"Ah yes." I coughed. "Mrs. Winters?"

"Sophia, called me Sophia." Her lips that tightly pressed together changed into a small smile. "It's alright Blaze is taking your other twin bed?"

"Of course it is!" My mother spoke up, cutting a piece of her food.

"Yeah totally." I agreed, gulping down some water that rested in front of me.

I nervously pulled my attention away from the conversation that bounced between my mother and Sophia. I stared at the water droplets racing down my cup, distracting myself from Blaze. I could feel her icy blue eyes stare at me, but no courage fled my system to return the looks back. I couldn't control the heat that roused to my cheeks or the fast beats that took over my heart when her name erupted into my thoughts. 

"Pukey." Blaze called, poking her fingers into my cheeks.

"Yeah." I lifted up my chin, my voice cracked from the the lack of words it enrolled from my mouth.

"Puberty much?" She laughed. "Come on show us your room." Blaze airily slapped my shoulder.

I lifted myself up from my seat, my eyes ran along the clear table. I must of zoned out because Blaze just shrugged her shoulders at my reaction. Shockingly her small hand reached for mine as she pulled me towards the narrow staircase. Leading her upstairs I admired how her eyes soaked in all the photos and paintings that decorated the yellow shade walls. I heard her giggle as realization took over that I was blankly staring at her, I probably appeared as a creep. But damn I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She was a fucking drug, and staying sober was getting harder.

Reaching my room, she didn't hold back walking inside and roaming to her suitcase. I sat on my bed, my clammy hands grasping onto my knees, attempting to dry them off. I couldn't understand with every thought that fumed through my mind why she made me nervous. She was a girl, she was Blaze. Although she looked like a flawless angel and acted like a shard of glass, she had a control on me that I couldn't break. It felt like chains around my whole body and the more we were together the tighter they became.

And that's when it sunk in, there was no way in hell I was getting myself out of this.

"Blaze." I pulled myself from my bed, counting my steps towards her as I took deep breaths.

"Yeah." She perked up, peeling her attention from her folded clothes.

I knelt down, sliding my knees against the sky blue carpeted ground. I swallowed away all the screaming thoughts and licked my lips. She furrowed her eyebrows together, slumping against my closet.

"On fuck it!" I groaned.

My hands cupped her cheeks, I smiled before my lips crashed against hers. And despite the chance that this could ruin everything I kissed her like I needed oxygen and she responded like she was my machine.

Blaze Winters. Blaze Winters has me whipped.


Thanks so much for the 14.3K! Just when i see that my chapters gets reads, votes and comments it makes me really happy.


sorry for not updating in years, I had graduation and then I had to rush within this week for last minute planning for my sister's wedding which was this previous Friday. it was fucking amazing. Summer is finally here and I graduated with straight 90s so fuck yeah.

Question of the day:

Amnesia or Beside You


8 comments, 38 votes, 180 reads

oh and before I go, shoutout to my friend @willworkforhemmings she's honestly amazing and I'm glad her and I started talking.

Alright babes, stay fabulous :-)

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