Chapter Thirty Nine

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When my eyes fluttered open, to the sound of the sky having a breakdown and the strict cold enveloping my room I wasn't addressed with heartfelt, deep blue irises I loved. I hauled myself up from the warmth that swirled around my blankets and leaned down on my elbows. I observed how Luke sat on my chair near my stacked, chestnut wooden desk; his head fell into his trembling hands, although no sound left the crack of his lips. I sat up properly, a maroon blanket covering my pale, loved marked skin.

"Good morning Luke." My voice came out as a frail whisper; sleep still captivating my voice box.

His face shot up, his cheeks flushed and wet with his eyes sheltered with a glassy pink sheet. My lips parted, though words didn't voice themselves my expression spoke and he noted that with an impassive chuckle. I was perplexed, but the tight feeling that knotted in my unexpectedly beating chest, I knew he was going to say something, I knew it wasn't going to be good and I had no idea when.

"What a lovely morning it is." He spoke gruffly, a loose sense of sarcasm within his sentence where his head was looking towards my window where rain ran down it.

I erected up, eliminating the protection of my skin and pulling over my undergarments that rested on my frigid floor. Sauntering towards my dresser, I retrieved a washed up red American Eagle sweatshirt I had of Luke's and stepped into a pair of gray sweatpants. I could feel his eyes, I could feel his sweltering stare and I had no idea in hell why he was acting like this. Last night was so treasurable.

I sat down back on my bed, raking a hand through my unruly waves, I asked. "What do you want to do today?"

"Don't you want to hang out with Rain, or is she busy shagging Calum?" Luke's voice was blaring with revulsion, his head snapped back to me when he finished his questioned.

I chocked on my own words. "Ah- Lu- Luke what are you talking about?"

He laughed as dark as the mourning clouds that gloomed outside.

Within a moment of silence, a yawn stretched out his mouth. "Maybe you should sleep." I told him, patting along my bed

Luke rubbed his palm against the growing stubble lining on his chin. "Do you think you should tell me something?"


"Are you sure?" He pressed, raising an eyebrow.


I crossed my arms, chewing on my swollen lip from last night while his eyes locked into mine. It was apparent we were both aware of the hump I tried jumping over, but I wasn't going to admit it. I was stubborn, he knew that too and his annoyance was uncalled for.

Luke sunk into the stiff chair, his voice breaking the silence. "I've been up for two and half hours, just got off the phone with Michael right before you woke up."

I didn't comment.

"You might think I'm stupid babe but he knows and I know, everyone knows Blaze."

My breath hitched, my eyes fell to my hands, guilt rising up my body. "I'm sorry."

"For what Blaze?" Luke asked and we both knew exactly what act he was trying to pull.

I huffed, "Are you actually going to be annoying?"

The slight humor that painted his face washed out as his jaw clenched. "You want to know what' s actually annoying?"

"What?" I growled, his shallow attitude growing on me.

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