Chapter Forty Two

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/ please comment, it makes me smile/

Everyone wants to have memories they can share at dinner with family or friends. They want to feel the butterflies and have the warm tears filling their eyes when they share every exact detail. They want to view and laugh over the reactions they receive. It’s human nature to want that.

No words were exchanged, not even glances after Luke confessed. We both stood, freezing in the unmerciful weather. It was when I raised up my face and watched how his inebriated state was to the point he couldn’t even stand that a lump formed in my throat and tears swelled in my eyes. This wasn’t the memory I would want to speak about. Who wants the first I love you to be said when your partner couldn’t even spell his own name. When my lips parted for me to say something, a strangled cry left my mouth.

“Did I say something wrong?” Luke’s face fell, his arms wrapping around me as he pulled my trembling self into his chest.

“No!” I sobbed, not caring who heard. “It’s just we’re so fucked up.”

Luke drew away, his face scrunched up. “What do you mean?”

I wiped the tears cascading down my cheeks. “You were supposed to take me on a date, you were going to smile and hold my hands across the table and tell me you loved me. You weren’t supposed to be wasted Luke! God why can’t anything go right with us!” 

“Baby.” He begged as I ambled backwards.

Tears clouded my eyes, but I could still manage watching him struggle to close the few feet of space I made between us. Luke couldn’t survive without anything to lean on and I didn’t know why but it boiled my resentment. My fist turned white, my fingernails digging into my palm as I shook my head.

“Stop it Luke.!” I ordered having his head that hung low concentrating on the movements of his feet shoot up, his eyes locking with mine.

I winced and he asked. “What is up with you? I’m drunk okay babe I’m sorry. Are you on your period?”

I became so mad, I laughed. “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m so sick of this Luke!”

“Blaze!” I never thought my name could be spoken in such a dark tone. “What the fuck is going on?”

“I don’t know Luke, that’s the point!” I yelled.

I tugged at my hair and before I could scream at him again, Ashton and Rain came running towards us, probably hearing about the scene the two of us were causing. I groaned and so did Luke when they approached us with concerned facial expressions.

“What is happening over here?” Ashton questioned, helping Luke stand straight.

“This fucking bitch, comes to the party and ruins the fun by shouting at me. I told her I’m in love with her Ashton, what else could a girl want. I’m Luke Hemmings for Christ’s sakes. Any girl would be lucky for me even considering getting into their pants yet alone actually doing it and then telling them I loved them!”

“You fucking dick!” I bawled.

Rain’s arms wrapped securely around my waist, heaving me back as I went towards him. Ashton whispered disapproving words towards his best friend while Rain told me to calm down.

“Don’t be mad Blaze. You know how happy you were when I fucked you at my beach house. God I did everything to make you stay. I mean you want to keep a good fuck when you have one.” Luke smirked and drunk or not I don’t think I could ever excuse the words coming from his intoxicated mind.

“Luke!” Ashton slapped the back of Luke’s head, frowning towards me.

“No Ashton I’m tired of her hating on every damn thing I do. I don’t need her.”  Although his words were slurred, no emotion ran throughout the sentence.

“Who are you?” I shirked, not believing what I was hearing.

“The monster you created, happy?”


short chapter because why not! this chapter hurt like hell to write because no why is luke doing this asjdhjsbf


anyways how’s your weekend been doing guys? i’ve been reading the published after books (judge me idgaf  I love hessa) and catching up on my bands which is always fun.


now here’s a question i really like


say an unpopular opinion and why you like/dislike it


bye guys 

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