Chapter Twenty Six

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Everything felt different, like my world was forever changed. Maybe it was the fact I had my first heartbreak or I almost witnessed a tragic death, either way it feels different. My mind is always drifted somewhere else, specifically Blaze. I’ve never thought about someone with such depth, with such infatuation until her façade finally crumbled. What is hard to even think about, is that she doesn’t know. She was like a pigeon stuck in a dove’s body, she was gorgeous to others, but disgusting to herself.

I tried everything to sidetrack myself from the feeling I had about her. Nothing worked, I was gradually losing my title on the field and the coach wanted to murder me. I didn’t care though, it was just an article to my life. These words that I’m called, they will lose their power when I graduate so why care? Blaze was permanent, even when she realized she deserved something better and left, because she changed my life.

“Alright Hemmings, while you’re waiting for your mommy, get your head out of your ass and try to come up with an idea on why you’re doing so poorly.” Coach Matthews grumbled, shaking his head as he walked out of the locker’s room.

I stayed silent, watching his heavy body trot away. My mind was too fried and equipped with killer thoughts to even consider what he was saying. It was like that now, no words really stuck to my brain anymore. My mind is just black and white now, the fight of becoming someone other than a jackass.

“You alright Luke?” I looked up to see Ashton, a smile etched onto his face.

“Ah wha- um yeah.” I stuttered, lifting my tender body from the stiff bench. “Thanks for picking me up by the way.”

“No problem Hemmo!” His outburst was unforeseen but usual as he dangled his arm around my shoulders. “How was practice by the way? You look pretty beat.”

“Oh fine, everything was fine.” I said vaguely, following him through the back entrance to his car.

I edgily rattled the handle on his car as he fumbled with his keys. The sun burned my eyes as two heavy chested bottle blondes, with skirts that left nothing to the imagination, paced over to us. Ashton greeted them with hungry eyes and a whistle as he grazed over the unlock button. I took the advantage and threw my body in the car, slamming it as I heard my name leave one of the girl’s lips. I rolled my eyes every time an over exaggerated laugh occurred.

My patience was running low, so I decided to roll down the window. “Ashton, your girlfriend, Carley just texted you.”

“Dick.” One of the girls called Ashton as he stomped towards the driver seat.

“Asshole.” He hissed, starting the engine. “That could have been a good fuck for the after party Michael is going to throw after our gig next Friday.”

“Gig?” I pressed. “No one told me.”

“You quit the band, remember? We didn’t think you would want daily updates.” He scoffed lightly.

“You replaced me?” My voice wavered as I tried to sound neutral.

“Dude, again, you left the band.” Ashton stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Yeah I know.” I played it off coolly.

But I was phased, because my actions were starting to catch up to me. The band, it was something that created a special bond and I was the asshole who fucked it up.

“Who is it by the way?” I asked, twirling my thumbs.

“We’re holding auditions tomorrow.” Ashton clarified, stopping at the red light.

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