Chapter Fourteen

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The devil is always described as a small man, preferably all red, with pointy horns and a long tail. The devil is known to be cruel, violent, and ugly; but I don't think that's true. I believe the devil can be beautiful, like the blossoming flowers in spring. I think the devil can be warmhearted, benevolent, and understanding. But the logic with me, is the devil part shines within the person. It has been historically proven, that the devil, was once an angel.

Luke had the widest grin and the deepest dimples I've ever seen. His laugh was contagious, his emotions radiated off of him. He could be colder then the frigid temperatures that roamed Antarctica or sweeter than sugar itself. His eyes, damn they blew me away with every contact I had with them. They were bluer than the ocean, having them so appealing. His corny jokes and unplanned puns had me amused. It was odd, Luke was such a devil but I could always detect the angel trapped in his barbwire heart.

My mother always warned my sister and I about the boys in white vans or whistling down the streets. She explained the pain they erupt in lives and the torment they act on. But never in my life did she worn me about one that actually smiles, one that everyone is fond of. Because fuck, if I fall into his lure, he could crumble my life faster than those other men could.

"Blaze." My mother's voice slid through the small creek within the tiny space my door left open.

"Yes Mom." I emotionlessly replied, tiredly running my hand through my tangled hair.

"I'm coming in." She announced, walking through the doorway.

I regarded her face, attempting to figure out what she wanted to talk about. When her lips curled up, creating such a beautiful smile I cocked an eyebrow towards her; completely puzzled. Her laughed scampered throughout my room, lighting up the hallow atmosphere as she seated next to me, running her hand along my sheets.

"So," She exhaled, her eyes scattered along my room. "Remember at dinner with the Hemmings, how Liz brought up going to her house in Cape May?" She questioned.

The memory was very vague, although I nodded.

"Well it's this weekend, as in tomorrow, Blaze. It doesn't look as if you packed, you weren't paying attention that night when Autumn asked you, weren't you?" She inquired, rolling her eyes.

"Mother, I'm not a fucking child. I can pack when I please." I spoke, irritation following each word.

"Language." She scowled, a stern expression deluged onto her face.

"But when Rider does it, that's alright." I mumbled under my breath, not looking into her eyes which seemed as if they were tearing me apart.

"I don't get it Blaze. Is it because you're father isn't home right now? Is it because he's on a business trip?" She interrogated, reaching for my hand that rested on my healing wrist.

"Mom," I paused, a smirk was quick to take over my face. "You're just really fucking annoying and rude."

"Blaze, the problem isn't me. It's you." She hissed, lifting herself up and strutting out of my room.


Blackness shelled my room, having the light that channeled off my phone show the colors of my clothes. The only thing that held up my drained eyes like glue was the music that danced into my ears. I pulled back from my suitcase, a sluggish smile greeted my lips when I noticed I was prepared. A sea of dark clothing, medience, and other essential needs filled the red colored suitcase. I slid it across my room, sighing as I drowsily lifted myself up from the glacial floor. Goosebumps longed my livid skin, even the oversized sweatshirt I threw over myself couldn't calm them down.

"Blaze." I was appalled when I felt Luke's hot breath fan my neck.

"Luke." I shockingly exhaled, turning my face to line right in front of his.

His nose was recklessly close to mine, having a lump form in my dried throat. I wanted to pull away with a smile and act like a connection wasn't pulling us together, but I couldn't. I couldn't trust myself with looking into his indigo eyes so I payed attention to the way the wind that escaped my open window swayed my blinds.

"I'm not drunk." Luke apprised, pulling backwards and landing on my untidy bedspread. "I just- couldn't- you know- sleep." He stammered as his eyes merrily gamboled along my walls.

"You sure?" I asked, taming the laughter that threaten to crack my confused expression.

"Totally." He toothily grinned, lunging forward for my hand.

I breezily landed on my bed, my disheveled hair covering my face from the impact. Luke giggled, and I was sure something was flowing in his veins. His arms pulled me closer, my head snuggling into his chest. My heart was pounding and my mind was blurred with too many thoughts. Luke's thumb caressed my temple, his lips parted on my forehead; inaudible words vibrating against it.

'"Luke why are you here?" I regrettably asked him, tilting my chin upwards meeting his aqua eyes.

"I told you." He unwelcomely stated.

"But, we're going away, together, tomorrow." I gently whispered, biting down on my bottom lip.

"First of all, fucking stop that." His index finger pushed down on my lip, my teeth sliding off of it. "And secondly, I'll just go home in like two hours."


"Tiffany can suck my ballsack. You're my friend. Friends do this. I swear, friends do this." He breathed, although his voice appeared as if he was trying to influence more himself than me.

"Alright bubs." I pushed my face upwards, into the crook of his neck; earning a hitch breath from himself.

Silence fell between us, and I didn't mind. I knew if this was capture and broadcasted this would be labeled as love. But both Luke and I know, it isn't. Love is senseless, it's just an alias for people who have a firm connection. Strangely, that's what we shared. We were black and white- air and water- pepper and salt, but when together we created something great. He made my heart beat faster than the winds during a storm, but I knew that meant nothing. I'm too numb to have emotions other than sadness fill my soul.

Even if Luke ventured, there'd be a bloody war that raced behind any happiness that bounced between us. I screw everything up, I destroy not love.


Heyy guyss! Sorry for the shitty chapter I just needed a fill in because next chapter is going to be fucking huge. I've had chapter fifteen through twenty planned for months now so grab your popcorn.

Holy shit I'm forever grateful for the 12.5k. Honestly it means the world to me because I love writing this book.

Oh so a couple of things, drunk michael was fucking amazing it made my life! And do I have any after readers, because idk how to feel about the new names. Like trust me I love Anna but idk Hardin is going to take awhile to get used to.

And sorry for the long wait I haven't been having the easiest time lately and my mind has been really jumbled up. I had my dance recital today, although I was nervous as hell and my ex was there; my class did really good!

Question of the day?

white hair michael or dark hair michael??

mine is dark

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Stay Fabulous! :-)

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