Chapter Thirteen

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In the world, everyone and everything has something that they need but can't have due to certain circumstances. Like a tree, stranded in the desert, dying to the lack of water. Or a person, completely distressed because their car ran out of gas and no money sat in their wallets. Maybe even that kid, who tries their hardest to seek light when they live in the darkness.

There's two important factors that come along with life; what you want and what you need. I had it set into my mind, with the guidance of my mother's words that Tiffany was everything I ever wanted. My eyes don't deceive me anymore, I'm aware of what I want, what I need. I despise to admit it, and even after all the nights I've spent attempting to talk myself out it; I wanted Blaze.

Blaze was eye catching. The words that ran along the tip of her tongue always had me thinking. The way she swayed her hips, and flick her long hazelnut hair had me staring. Her witty gestures and honest opinions made me grateful I ran into her world. She was beautiful, she was tainted. Blaze was also fragile, like a baby being held for the first time. Although I didn't know or even understood what made her so cold; I wanted to. Even if I got hurt in the process; I'd get bruised head to toe to apprehend her world.

"Lucifer." Calum snapped his fingers in front of my eyes; taking my thoughts away from her.

"How many times am I going to tell you not to call me that." I groaned, pushing his hand out of my face.

Calum vibrantly laughed, taking a gulp of his coffee that rested in front of him. I rolled my eyes at the sight of Michael latching onto Rain's marked neck. They were glued together, to say the least. I ran my hand through my untidy hair, my eyes were still drowsy from the lack of sleep I endured.

"So," Michael dramatically exhaled, removing his swollen lips from Rain. "What's up with Tiffany?"

I shrugged, my lips skimmed the top of my heated coffee. "I don't know she's always busy."

"Busy." He huffed. "What kind of busy?" He raised an eyebrow, a small smirk adapted onto his face.

I looked at him in bewilderment, "Cheer leading, family, fucking shit man I don't know."

"Cheating?" Michael inquired in a mere whispered.

"Dude!" Calum warned Michael, swatting his arm in full belief his words would set me off.

I laughed, gesturing Michael's commentary was acceptable. I examined the annoyed facial expression that poured over Rain's face as she glared at Michael. Silence took a seat at our table, allowing the noise of the coffee machines and orders being placed fill my ears. The delicious aroma of coffee and scones danced along the warm air. Relaxation took over me, filling my lungs for the air I striven to  have.

"You know Lukey, I think Blaze is really cool." Rain spoke up, knocking down the wall of silence, tucking a strand of her faded violet hair behind her.

"Of course you do, she's your best friend." I pointed out, imperceptibly chuckling.

"Cool, for ah," She hesitated, her emerald eyes scampered along my face. "Cool for you" Rain concluded, trailing off.

"Yeah." Calum flimsy compiled with her, flustered enough not to look into my eyes.

"She's cool, just we're total opposites. She's ice and I'm fire." I said, satisfied with my comparison.

"And I'm a weed head and Rain is a flower head." Michael stated, dropping his lanky arm around Rain's shoulders.

I snorted, fiddling with my thumbs. They were right, I knew with every bone in my body they were. I couldn't say it though, even when my heart beats faster and I melt when I'm near her, I'm still Luke Hemmings. That's one thing I can't drain from my system, I'm Luke Hemmings and I have a reputation to maintain.

Calum slid closer to me, widely grinning before his lips met my ears. "You're whipped, and you know it."

I scowled, no one was going to know I was whipped. Blaze would never fall for me, she doesn't fall for anyone. Even if I cracked her arctic shell she hides under, I would have to do it undercover. I have one more year left in high school and I'm not about to destroy everything I worked so hard for because of my baffling emotions.

"Anyways." Michael changed the topic, tapping his fingers lightly against the marble styled table. "We have a huge ass gig this Friday, two hundred. Like fuck."

"Like fuck." Rain mimicked, poking Michael's nose in amusement.

A small smile curled up from my chapped lips as I retrieved my phone from my pocket. Grazing  my index finger over the lock button, my phone was exploding with many messages. Most were from Tiffany, others from group chats I was sucked into.

"Damn Luke, Tiffany just texted me to get you to answer your damn phone." Calum groaned, pushing my shoulder.

"Fine, fine." I gave in.

I lifted my head back up from my screen, I inspected how Calum, Rain, and Michael were centered in their conversation. Cheekily, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket, blowing her command into dust.

Tiffany wasn't going to tell me what to do. At least not anymore


Hiii! First of all, sorry if this chapter was short, today was awful and I couldn't really figure out what I wanted to be written. And like really big stuff is about to go down so I needed a fill in and you all need to understand Luke's friendship with the group.

I'm graduating (eight grade) next Tuesday so fuck yeah. And holy shit  kiss me kiss me is my shitt.

I cruse a lot.. oh well

Question of the day:
I've written a lot of other stuff for different books would any of you ever read it? 

I try really hard so you know feedback is always amazing, you guys are always so sweet.

10 comments, 33 (ew odd number) votes and 160 reads!

Stay Fabulous!

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