Chapter Forty Eight

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//this is barely edited bc im exhausted pls comment tho//

I blinked a couple of times, tears leaked from the creases of my weary eyes while the image in front of me established in my mind. My lips parted, only for my teeth to bite over my bottom lip to conceal a sob shaking my jaw. Eyes studied my flushed face, frowns on others who passed by us and felt the tautness. My hand was numb as I rubbed it over my arm, attempting to calm myself down. Tiffany giggled into Luke’s neck and a lump formed itself in my throat.

Luke’s glistening lips shaped, his pupils amplifying when he gently pushed the pleased bitch off of his lap. “This is not what it-“

“I don’t want to know.” I spoke in a whisper, not trusting my emotions.

Michael sighed, sweeping away the russet fringe off of his face. “Really Fire he didn’t do anything wrong. The couch was crowded and it wa-“

“I-“ Taking in a profound breath I continued. “I don’t want to know.”

He shook his head, pitching a remorseful glance at an apprehensive Luke who elevated himself from the furniture. “Let me take you home?” Luke asked.

If it wasn’t for my head that felt heavier than myself and the drowsiness that decanted over my flimsy body heftier than the rain picking up outside, I would have started an argument. Luke stretched for my fingertips grazing along my thigh, only to be disallowed when I brought them up to my face, wiping away the warm tears that flowed down my cheeks. We sauntered out of the room with no words, just upset expressions and fast movements. A few profanities left the tip of his tongue when he opened up the front door, the weather not being a friend to anyone walking down the dirty sidewalks or to their cars.

“I know you don’t want to touch me right now, but come close to me so we can share my hood.” Luke ordered and I exhaled.

We stumbled over the mushy ground, the icy winds sliding against the bare skin we exposed to this dreadful environment. Luke snuck his arm behind my back, gesturing me towards his car ornamented with water. He opened up the door for me, waiting for me to be seated before he walked over to the driver seat.

When Luke settled in, he turned on the car only not to start the engine. “We need to talk Blaze.”

Yeah we really do.” I agreed, crossing my arms over my chest.

“And it isn’t about Tiff.” Luke made a face when he overheard me scowl at his use of words. “I know that was senseless of me to let her sit on my lap but babe understand I’ve known that girl for such a long time I can’t just drop her.”

“Yeah, I mean I totally get it!” Mockery dribbled from my manner. “I mean if I had an ex who exposed you to the whole school I’d totally not let them go!”

“Glad we’re on th- wait, Blaze!” Luke grumbled, realizing what I just said. “We can deal with that later but now I need to tell you something.”

“Go on Luke but make it fast I want to go home.”

Luke inhaled, his hands gripping the leather of the wheel till his knuckles were a ghostly white. “Blaze, the band has gotten an eye of interest from Capital Records and a manger wants to interview the boys and I and have us perform a few songs. They’re flying us out there to Los Angeles on Spring Break which is a week away.”

He sounded distressed, my mouth dropped in disbelief and it felt as if all the crossness absolved into the gray air. “Th- that’s amazing.”

“I want you to come with. I want you to be a part of this.”

I stayed hushed, the words were easy to voice but tremendously hard to follow up on. Last time I was in that state, everything for me was a black narrow tunnel with no light guiding me through it. I left such a wicked taste in many mouths and in others I was just laughter when they came upon my story. I wanted to go with Luke but our relationship is like a rubber band, you never know when either of us would snap.

“I’ll think about it.” I told him. “Can I go home now, please? I don’t mean to sound rude it’s just this is a lot to take in and I’m not your type of sponge.”

Luke shook his head, before starting the car and taking off into the streets of the rainbow lights city, he smiled. “I love you Blaze.”

“I know.”



if anyone is wondering there’s at most four chapters left

question of the day:

how are you feeling today?


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