Chapter Forty Six

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“Luke c-can you please come in here!”

My eyes fluttered open to the bright, messy bedroom, numbers of blankets twisted my legs together while my hands brushed away the exhaustion from my eyes. Whimpers slipped through the bottom of her closed bathroom door. Panic jumbled the thoughts in my awakening mind as I battled with the covers, attempting to free my body. Racing across her wooden floor covered in our clothes I twisted the knob on the door and entered the small room.

Blaze sat on her toilet, hair dwindling over her knees while her stomach laid on her thighs. I closed the door behind me, stepping towards her and kneeling down. My hand crept up to her spine, rubbing it smoothly while I pecked her shoulder blade. I had no idea what happened while I drifted off to sleep but I had to stay calm.

“What happened babygirl?” I whispered.

“It hurts so much.” Blaze hissed, tears dropping down onto the gray marble floor.

“What hurts?” My voice was croaky, my words vocalized in a hushed manner.

“I got my p-period.” I exhaled in relief, her head lifting up to look at me.

Even with her cheeks rosy, her blue eyes glossy with water and a pale tint to her face she looked beautiful. Tacky as it sounds, I couldn’t find any flaws in her appearance while she wailed onto my shoulder.

“You want me to go to the drug store and get you stuff?” I suggested, kissing away a tear that cascaded down her skin.

Blaze shook her head, feebly standing up in just her underwear and a wrinkled gray shirt that fell off her shoulders. My hand locked in with hers while we walked back into her room, she sat on her bed, her small arms wrapping around her torso. I pulled out a pair of sweats that could cover her frail legs, not even hesitating I pulled her legs through them.

“I’m not used to the pain, I haven’t had my period in six months.” Blaze admitted, taking a rubber band off her wrist and tying up her chaotic, brown curls.

I watched her with a sympathetic feature, her mouth shaped again to speak. “Can I come with? I just want to be with you right now.”

I smiled, her hand reached for mine and I compiled, our fingers intertwining. “You’re the best bubs.” Blaze cooed, although I saw the discomfort pinching her eyes.

Lightly, my lips pressed against the top of her hair. “All is good.”

“All is- kind of- well.”


The cold temperature evaporated the smile that decorated her face as she closed the car door. Fresh snow blanketed the unoccupied parking lot, more flurries falling from the gloomy, overcast sky. I wrapped my arm around her, rubbing the side of her jacket while we sauntered over to the store. Blaze’s eyes stared at me with apprehension, I knew she thought about what she was about to question by the way her teeth grazed over her chapped lips.

“It is open twenty four hours. Ashton and I used to go here when we were closer.” I confessed, not regarding the way a frown took over her face while I opened up the glass door.

Heat and a chime of the doors welcomed us while we passed in the large store. A few people roved around the aisles while I looked at the labels, trying to find the one that would be most useful for Blaze. I leaded her through the one full of candy, her boots dragged against the blue stained carpet.

I looked back at her, knitting my eyebrows together. “What?”

“I don’t want to eat so much when I’m not hungry. I’m already bloated to begin with.” Blaze’s eyes didn’t meet mine.

“Blaze.” I trailed off, beholding the shelves packed with pounds of sweets and then back at her. “I don’t want to force you but look babe we can’t go back to your old patterns. You have to be honest, are you not going to eat something because you’re truly not hungry or you’re scar- petrified of what could happen if you gave your body something over a thousand calories.”  

Blaze observed the area around us, nodding to herself when no one was near to witness our conversation. “I have no clue what you expected what would happen when I left the hospital and started having a dietician and a therapist. Maybe you thought within a month my mind would be full of good thoughts every hour of the day and I would love what I saw, but that’s not the truth.”

“Do you still throw up after- wait when’s the last time you threw up a meal?”

“Get white chocolate and sour patches. I’ll go get a heating pad.” Blaze dismissed my question, letting go of my hand and walking into another aisle.

I gathered everything she wanted, although my mind traveled to another world of anxiety. I suppose love blinded me, having me think the ships were tied together and ready to rest before it sailed off again to the treacherous waves. I held the two packages between my elbow and ribcage making my way over to the middle aged cashier where Blaze stood.

My phone kept vibrating in my pocket while the man handed me the two plastic bags. Blaze leaned against me while we left the store and back into the frigid winds.

“Here baby hold this for a minute I need to check something.” I handed her the bags as we crossed the lot, my hand reaching for my device.

I unlocked it, my eyes running along my screen, my heart racing and an unrestrained grin spreading my cheeks to my ears. I could have shouted in glee but Blaze walked over to me, having me stuffed my phone into the pocket of my sweatshirt.

“It’s been three days.” Blaze informed me.

And the pain of recalling her telling me she hasn’t done it in a month a day ago didn’t even sting while I was in a state of blissfulness. I could tell my life was about to change, all because of that one email.


how was everyone holiday & if you don’t celebrate how was your day off?

wonder what you all think the email was about ;))))

can’t believe bruised is coming to an end soon (probably 5-7 more chapters it’s my goal to end this before I go back to school) it’s been an amazing journey writing this book even if I’ve had my errors and terrible writer’s block

hope you can check out my other books!

question of the day;

if you could have 5 mil dollars what would you do with it?

give back to my momma, help the less fortunate and then help myself

love ya!



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