Chapter Thirty Two

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It was the rhythm of his voice, the texture of his skin, the patterns of his breaths that had me wrapped around the idea of him, us. The beliefs I had of him were pieces of a puzzle twisted in a wild tornado. It wasn’t till the storm stopped and my pieces fell to the ground to form a lovely picture, that I, was sure about my feelings. I knew though, with every fiber within my body that I no clue in hell how to deal with these remote feelings that controlled my actions. It was different this time, there couldn’t be any running away from a boy who ran faster than me.

When my thoughts voiced themselves in the most unsteady way, stillness poured over the room like boiling lava from an erupting volcano. When he walked closer to me, it was as if broken glass shattered along the floor with the look that swarmed in his eyes. I couldn’t detect if he was livid, or possibly pleased with my confession. Till he opened up his thin lips and noted how we needed time to think, alone. Something we both haven’t done in a while. With a week later, and only a few gestures exchanged to hide the awkwardness from everyone else, I finally knew it was time to talk when he sauntered over to me, seventh period.

Luke’s crystal clear eyes gazed into mine as he cracked lips tinted into a small smile, he carefully leaned his shoulder into the locker next to mine. “Hi Bubs.”

I grinned, speaking coolly. “Hi Luke.”

“So, I hope you still feel the way you did last week. It was probably really jerky of me to say we needed space, but I don’t know, I just didn’t want to fuck this up again.” Luke’s teeth grazed over his lip. “I was thinking-and shit this might be fast- would you want to go on a date with me tonight?” He asked timidly.

“Of course. What should I wear?” I asked, raking my hand nervously through my hair.

“Pajamas and no makeup!” Luke beamed, amused with my facial expression.

“What do you mean no makeup? I don’t want you to scream!”

“Nonsense! Oh and wear those bunny slippers you have hidden in your closet.” He smirked.

Before I could say anything the bell rang, having everyone race to their classes. “I’ll see you at seven! Don’t forget.” Luke said.

I rolled my eyes as he walked away. “It was just a phase!”

“That’s what they all say!” His voice carried throughout the wave of chatter as he drowned within the sea of people.


The air was frigid as it tangoed with the wind while I walked up the front steps to Luke’s house. My hand shook vigorously as it tapped against my gray sweatpants. I didn’t even have to lift up my numb hand against his wooden door because the sound of stomping towards the front door was enough to know he knew of my arrival. I waited patiently, scrunching up my nose from the weather and wrapped my arms around my body for more heat.  

“Well hello Blaze.” Luke greeted me as he opened up the door.

I nodded my head and walked in, the feeling of comfort came to me as a blanket of heat hugged my freezing self. Luke signaled me to his living room and I willingly followed, the noise of his television and the smell of popcorn taking over me.

My eyes broadened in delight as they ran over the excessive amount of blankets, pillows, and food scattered along the room. I angled my head to look at Luke who was nervously staring at me, anticipating for my response.

“Wow.” I breathed. “Wasn’t expecting this coming from you Hemmo.”

“Yeah-well.” He coughed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I looked it up in a girly magazine.”

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