Chapter 17

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I am totally exhausted....but here is the chapter.

Blue sighed, "I alright i am done here, you guys ready to go?" Everyone nodded and left the establishment. Nate and Mia left down their street as both Cad and Blue walked down theirs. Both of them were at Blue's house. "Cad, you know you can stop staring at me." Blue said turning around looking at Cad as she rolled her eyes. "You just don't look well at all." Blue didn't feel well, But she play it off. "I am just tired. My job just keeps me up, remember?" Literally. Cad Sighed and shook her head. "Just get some sleep alright." Blue nodded and heads inside. "Bye Cad, see you later." Cad waved and walk off to her home as blue closed her door.

Blue lean back against her front door. She slide down in a curl sitting position. She sat like that for a while. She was probably asleep like that but that is unlikely. After an hour, She got up and when to the bathroom. She made a most bubbly bubble bath for herself. She undress and took off her gauze she had on her arm. As the bath ran, She look at her arm. It was Such in a bad condition. She stop looking at it and slipped in her bath. She had about a couple hours before work. She was going to chill before her nightmare starts.


After a bit, She was napping on the couch. When she woke up it was about 15 mins before worked started. She didn't want to move from her safe couch. She didn't want to leave her safe home......But she has to. For many reasons. After all that time to chill, A thought popped in her head, 'Why are moving around like that?'

She got up from her couch and got ready to go. She shuffled her way out the door, closing it. She walked to work.


When she got there, she entered her office. Before turning on the next tape, She saw a note. Blue looked at the note curiously and read it.

Beware of the empty suit.

There was no name who wrote it. Blue Shivered, "What empty suit?" As in thought she almost forgot to start the tape. The women voice fill the silence room, "Um, hello, hello. Oh Hey, you're doing great! Most really don't last long, not that i am implying that they died. N-n-no, I am just staying that they would of move on." Blue made a face as she turn on her tablet and started look at the cams. "Alright, I won't was time because things are getting real tonight." This worried blue a bit. Blue looked that Nico was gone as well Echo. "Um, I have an idea: When you do get caught and want to avoid being stuff in a suit. I would trying playing died, you know go limp. Wait, That would be bad if they think that. They would stuff an metal skeleton into you. How would that work? Well Just don't get caught. Alright, Um See you later!" As the player turn off, Blue tried her best to understand what she said.

Blue look out the door seeing that nico was there she quickly shut the door on him. "NOPE NOT TONIGHT. " She yelled sitting on her chair checking so often with the lights if he still there. There was sounds coming from the kitchen. "I guess you're hungry uh. How would that work?" She questioned as she flipped up to Witches cove. Zi curtains were wide open and Zi was there standing on his stage look at the camera. "Hhhheeeeyyy Zi, what are you doing?" She didn't want him to come out from there. "Oh boy," She looked up checking the door. Nico left from the door. Opening it and checking down the hall. She look at her table. There was 57% of power.

As she sat there on her chair, She could hear faint laughter. "What? Who's laughing?" She looked at the main stage where Prince was still there, But he was looking at the camera with black eyes (eye sockets?). This had nope all over it. The laughter sound louder than before. Blue looked down from her tablet and check outside. Nothing there, 'How can I hear laughter?' she thought.

Then she remember witches cove, "Dammit," She looked at the camera and Zi was gone. This confused blue, and she carefully looked out the door where he goes to. "Where is he?" She to afraid to go out. She check the camera that down the hall and there was nothing. She check all cams and no one was in any of them. Main stage, Prince was only one there back to his original position. The laughter in the room was louder than before. It hurt her ears a little. She cover hear ears as the laughter was too loud for her. Tears falls as she tries to cover her ears but the sound was just as loud. Blue drop her tablet and got up. She grabs her flashlight and carefully left the office trying to find a safe place from the noise and the bots.

She kept one hand on an ear while using the flashlight to maneuver around. As she saw main stage, Prince wasn't there. Remembering what the women said about prince made she deathly afraid of the dark. She walked to the main stage but as she got closer the noise got louder. She drop her flashlight in her belt covering both ears. She heaved herself up on stage having such a loud noise go quiet. Blue carefully and slowly let her hands fall and grabbed the flashlight. There was a light static sound from behind the curtains. She opened the curtain slowly, looking behind seeing something sitting there. "What?" She open the curtain more. "You look a lot like Prince but......" Getting lost in thought, She observed the suit, "Are you empty?" She went closer looking at eyes voided of light. "You are. What? Are you the suit that I should be worried about? Ummm.." She was lost in thought that it was too late. She hear a quiet sound like breathing behind her. She turn around.

As she did, She screamed, backing up tripping over the empty suit. She fell down looking up at Nico, Echo, Zi, and faintly in the back prince. "T-rr-i-c-k" One of them said. Blue cried as she was pushed back against the wall. Nico and echo reach out to grab her. Full of tears she grabbed her flashlight and threw it at Nico. Hitting him with a loud clack. The Flashlight didn't harm him one bit. Echo and him grab blue. Holding her down her arms and legs so she couldn't escape. "Please let me go." Blue Screamed out.

"N-nn-o" Dark echoed voice said. She looked around for it knowing it not them. She glance at the empty suit. It head is turned towards her from it position before. Definitely that suit.

Blue panic, she struggled out of their grip. Zi walk around to her head and bend down. His hand was raised up from his head and down it came on her head. Knocking her out.

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