Chapter 19

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As Soon as he left to the stage, Blue crept out slowly from behind witch's cove. She looks to see that Zi was in place. She nods to herself that he is and walked out watching her back from those animatroics. She open the door and left the establishment locking the door afterward. She walked home thinking to herself, trying to understand why doesn't she just quit, leave the place. Her life is more important than the money than what they pay or any pay. She doesn't understand what drives her going back but she always goes back. She drop from her train of thought and looked at her door. She open it and locked it once inside. She took off her shoes and put down her keys and flashlight. She grab some scissors and head to the bathroom. She cut the jacket and the cloth that was around the old metal rods. Having the area clear, She grab her phone and looked up how to pull out metal rods out of arm. Nothing really came up. Blue sigh. She put her phone down and looked at her arm. There is about 4 rods stuck in it. She cringed thinking about what she got to do. She put her hand on the one that was stuck through her palm. She did an experimental tug, and she yelped in pain from that, but the rod slipped a little. "Alright blue, it just a little loose you can do it." Blue grab a washcloth and put it her mouth. Then She Pulls the rod out of her hand blood pour out, She screams but try to continues to pull at the rod even if it at a slow pace.

Soon She get it out and it falls in the sink and blood continues to pour, So Blue Takes the Rag she had and wraps it around her hand putting pressure on it. She took short breaks each time. She done this for the rest of the morning. Once she got all of the rods out. She was exhausted, but she couldn't sleep now. She lost too much blood. Was sitting on the toilet seat thinking how to close the wounds. She carefully get up. Lightheaded, She walks over to a cabinet opening it finding her first aid case. She takes it and opens it to dig around in it, she finds a needle and thread. "How do i have this stuff?" She sworn before not really on a person. She sat on the floor and shakily threaded the needle. Took a bit, and blue started to get even more tired. She started to stitch her arm back up. Her arm that she was using was shaking. She was trying her best not to miss or mess up.

Once she was done, She tied the thread and cut it with her teeth. Putting the needle down. She Wrap her arm with a new gauze. Then she laid her head back and looked up. "One hell of an event that happen. Hah" she said to herself thinking about what happen. Blue didn't have the energy to get up, and her bathroom was a mess. "Mia, Cad, or Nate could come over here." She groan thinking that they would see both the condition she in and her bathroom in. Blue gave herself a hour or so to get herself together.

With a big wave of dizziness she tried to shake off, she carefully clean her bathroom from the blood, rods, and medical equipment. Once she thought it was good enough clean she headed downstairs to eat something. She look what she had and pulled out small bowl of microwave macaroni and cheese. Blue left that in the microwave and when to wash up in the newly clean bathroom. She came back in more comfortable clothes. She took out her macaroni and slowly walked to the couch. She sat down and eating her food. She stare off eating her food. She felt so sick. Sick and broken. She finished her food and place it down on her side table. She laid her head down. Please try to get some rest. She drifted off to sleep.

It dark again, "Guys where are you? &*%$$% and &*( I don't like your pranks. &%#^#@ This is beneath you. *& , *&^%, $%#^ please come out. Where are you? I'm Scared."

The Dark started to get a little brighter. "Sweethearts, Blue, where are you? Please come out."

"Come here, child, you are not suppose to be here." The dark came too Bright.

Blue was being shook too much. She groan, "doesn't anyone know how to knock now a days." She sat up rubbing her eye, "What'cha want?" her vision clears and sees cad standing across from her with her arms cross with her copy of blue's house key in hand. "What happen to you? And as well where were you yesterday?" She said with a stern look. Blue was confused, "what you m-," She stop and stop rubbing her eye with her hand the was heavily bandage. 'Shoot' she dropped her hand. "That is none of your business." She said in a low mumble looking down. Cad shook her head. "You know if-" Blue shook her head furiously. "No nonononono, It not what you are thinking. You know that i am clumsily i just fell on the job and hurt it real bad that all. And I and I had to go...visit someone to help them." Blue smiles.

"So you hurt both of your hands?" Cad said, Blue nodded, "I am a klutz, Cadence, I hurt myself somehow. Mostly when I haven't work before." Cad nodded.

"Well I came here to check up on you, and to tell you that Saturday, Mia and Nate and I are going to meet the others at a party. You be going?" She said.

"I think about it," Blue getting up slowly and taking her bowl to the kitchen. "Why think about it? You have no work that day right?" Blue nodded. "Just a break day, you know to sleep in all day long." Cad nods understanding. "Alright, but we are going to hang the day after all right." Blue laugh and nodded. Hearing the door click and lock. The sound of the house stiffen. While in the kitchen, blue grab a bowl of dry cereal and left to her room. No mood for her computer. She climb into her bed and ate the cereal. She looked around the room. Noticing a few thing that she hasn't really notice before. The Skele Bros Dolls on her shelf, An old drawing with stick figure that are different colors, one of them is dark blue and had the word me on it. She put her hand back and felt something under her pillow. She grab whatever under her pillow and pull it out. It was another doll, but one she never seen before, this one was in a bunny suit but the suit looks just homemade. Blue kept the suit on it and place it on the pillow. That suppose to be me...don't you remember?

"No, Leave me alone." She said, she curled up and looked to her left, staring to a frame that has a torn image of her that was little and a note saying don't forget. Looking at the image she can see an arm behind her. Blue Begins to uncurls herself and walk over to it. She takes it off the walk and look closer at it. Frustrated, she throws it on her pile of dirty clothes. Blue Crawls back into her bed under her blanket. For a min, She decides to grab her journal and write.

Hello Journal

It been like two days?!? Right! Those things kidnapped me and put me into a suit, and now I have a voice talking to me ever so often......listen I have such a bad time those two day. That suit had rods and I had to...pull them out myself. It wasn't fun to do. I am still drain and tired. As well I still get nightmares. I don't know what about but I hear my name in this one.

I hope I can make it tomorrow. If not, then Cad, Nate, and Mia. I am sorry I am going to miss that party ;) and that hang out Cad.

Blue Closed the book and place it back where it was. Blue laid back down on her bed. She grabbed that doll and hold it close to her as she fell asleep.

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