Chapter 20

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Cad Pov

She ran over to blue house again the next day after she couldn't find her yesterday. She unlocked her door with the spare key blue gave her. She enter the room and saw blue on the couch sleeping. Cad was kinda relieved that she home but she notices something. She quickly shakes her arm to wakes her up. (same conversation but i will put it here anyway it seems right to put it here)

Blue was waking up. She groan, "doesn't anyone know how to knock now a days." She sat up rubbing her eye, "Wha cha want?" her vision clears and sees cad standing across from her with her arms cross with her copy of blue's house key in hand. "What happen to you? And as well where were you yesterday?" She said with a stern look. Blue was confused, "what you m-," She stop and stop rubbing her eye with her hand the was heavily bandage. She stop rubbing her eye and placed it in her lap. "That is none of your business." She said in a low mumble looking down. Cad shook her head. "You know if-" Blue shook her head furiously. "No nonononono, It not what you are thinking. You know that i am clumsily i just fell on the job and hurt it real bad that all. And I and I had to go....visit someone to help them." Blue smiles.

"So you hurt both of your hands?" Cad said, Blue nodded, "I am a clutz, Cadence, I hurt myself somehow. Mostly when I haven't work before." Cad nodded.

"Well I came here to check up on you, and to tell you that Saturday, Mia and Nate and I are going to meet the others at a party. You be going?" She said.

"I think about it," Blue getting up slowly and taking her bowl to the kitchen. "Why think about it? You have no work that day right?" Blue nodded. "Just a break day, you know to sleep in all day long." Cad nods understanding. "Alright, but we are going to hang the day after all right." Blue laugh and nodded. Cad nods to herself and left out the door, shutting and locking it. She thought about what blue said and how she looked. Blue doesn't look all too well at all. Cad knows the blue is clumsy but something is telling her that there is something wrong.

Cad left to meet mia at her house. Nate didn't want to come because he wanted to research his ghost story more. Looking around, feeling the autumn air someone bump into Cad. "Oh I am so sorry," Cad said, to the women that was very nervous. "U-um, That is alrigh-t. I was the o-o-one t-that w-asn't looking." She was looking down. Her short red hair falls to the side of her face. Her brown chocolate eyes looks to the ground avoiding Cad. "What your name?" Cad asks know that this women is in a rush to get away. "U-u-m, My n-n-name is T-tera." Tera looks older comparing to Cad, About mid 20s. "Are you alright? Why are you in such a rush?" Cad asks, worry about how panic and nervous Tera is. Tera breath, everything was silent for a second. "I am all right. I just had to quickly rush home before work. Which I still do." Tera point in the direction which her house is at. "Oh, I am sorry keeping you then, I am just being worry lately. My friend is not feeling well and they don't want me to help." Cad explain thinking about blue.

"What wrong with your friend?" Tera asked bet still needs to get home but wants to be nosey. "She just having a hard time. I think it things are stressing her. She didn't tell me where she was yesterday when i check up on her at her house like I usually do. She young to live alone and she didn't want to leave that house for anything like really we tried to but she just comes back to it so we just let her have it." Tera tilted her head. "It was her childhood home or at least that I remember so far. I only met her when i was 14 and she was 10, and I asked about the others about how long they know her. They said, not much about like 3 or 4. She been here like forever, even she says she doesn't remember."

"What about her family?" Tera asked, "They died a long time ago. Someone was taking care of her before but I didn't really bother asking who." Tera nodded telling cad that she had to go. Cad understand and was happy having someone there to listen. "Oh, another question, who is this friend of your by chance?" Tera asked before leaving.

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