[a/n: important, please read!: i don't want to come off as bitchy, but i'm starting to get really annoyed with all the hate towards bts. it's my story and i can add them in if i want, i didn't ask for people to come and comment 'ew' and 'those asians are disgusting'. if you don't like them that much that you can't stand when they're even mentioned then go find another book. honestly. i'm not here to force you to like them but have some respect at least, i've had enough with logging into wattpad everyday to see another hate comment. also, idk why this book is suddenly getting so many reads, but thank you so much, i understand its cringe but i made this a long time go and i tried my best to edit without changing too much. besides that, i hope you enjoy!]
"you'll like bts' music if you listen without prejudice"
- min yoongi (bts' suga)
0 1
"shoot!" i exclaimed, bolting upright in my bed. today was moving day and i was already late. i ran to my closet and reached inside, it was empty, i had completely forgotten we had finished all packing the night before. i dashed to the box labeled 'clothes' and rummaged inside to find something to wear.
"no time to look cute ash" came a voice from the door.
i looked up to see my younger sister, annie, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed as she studied my every move.
i rolled my eyes before turning back around and rummaging through a few more boxes, i had to find something comfortable.
"yup, keep rolling your eyes, maybe one day you'll find a brain back there" she laughed before turning on her heel and walking away.
"musta got that one from google" i muttered to my self before grabbing different clothes and pulling together the perfect outfit.
i found a cute sweater that displayed a cute picture of a zebra on it and some comfy sweatpants. as much as i hate to admit it, annie was right, i really didn't have time to look cute. i was in and out of the bathroom in 30 seconds, just applying some light mascara and tint of eyeshadow
i ran downstairs to see my 2 sisters, annie (who was younger) and abby (who was older) sitting at the table. i glanced around the room to look for my mom but didn't have to look very far, she was frantically running around trying to make sure everything was packed before we left. my dad had already left early to make sure the new house was ready and my younger brother, alex, was riding around the house on his new hoverboard.
he's seriously spoiled. he had broken 2 hover boards but still got a new one each time he even uttered a word.
i quickly scarfed down a bowl of cereal and stepped out of the house to look around one last time, i really didn't have friends here anyways, besides alexis and we had already shared our goodbyes the day before. Maybe the new neighbor hood would be huge with the population only containing rich people. I laughed at this thought and walked back inside.
"it's beautiful matt!" my mom squealed as she exited the car.
this was the first time we had seen the house, as my dad wanted it to be a secret. i didn't wanna know how it would turn out if my mom had ended up hating the place, thankfully she didn't. clearly.
my jaw dropped just at the sight of the house, it was huge. just from where i was standing i could see 3 balconies and a huge chandelier in the living room, the beams of sunlight hitting it through the large windows caused it to glimmer beautifully.
i suddenly heard someone whistle from behind me. i slowly turned my head to see 2 dark haired boys walking by, one smirked as he approached causing me to turn red and whip my head back around to face my mom.
stupid reflexes.
i glanced over to my sisters, annie was too busy looking around and admiring every corner of the house but abby was staring right at them.
you see, abby really didn't care what people thought of her and it's one of her traits that i really admire. and that's saying something.
me on the other hand, i end up caring a little too much about what people have to say about me. i can't help it. i guess i'm a 'people pleaser' as they say.
"hey" one of the boys said, jogging up the driveway. i merely stood there, frozen, as i watched him turn to face my mom.
"welcome to the neighbor hood"
my mom was taken aback for a second before smiling. "thank you! how sweet of you" she gushed. he chuckled before looking up at the house, "great choice of residence", this earned a long laugh from my mother. it wasn't even that funny.
he turned to look at me, a smirk planted across his face. that was the smirk of every typical high school boy who thought he was a hot shot.
mental note. do not add him or his sidekick to friend list.
"i'm grayson" he said cheerfully, holding his hand out to me.
for a second i just stared at him before looking at his hand. clearly i was taking too long because he wiggled his fingers and moved his hand closer to me. i nervously shook it and looked down at my shoes. i hated talking to people.
just as i was about to head in, i felt his hot breath hit my ear sending shivers down my spine. this dude is way too close.
he leaned in and whispered "no need to be nervous"
what the—
my head shot up and i dared to look up right at him before his brother joined us on the driveway.
"c'mon gray, we're gonna be late", he groaned. for a second i had to take a double take as i looked at the both of them. they looked oddly similar. probably twins.
as if he read my mind, his brother spoke."hi, i'm ethan, this is my twin gray. we'd really love to stay but we gotta run" and with that, he dragged grayson to the sidewalk.
i looked up to see grayson flash me a mysterious smile before disappearing around the corner.
what an interesting start.

for the better. | grayson dolan ✔
Fanfictionshe meets him. he meets her. she hates him. he loves her. she falls for him. he wishes he didn't hurt her. he confesses when it's too late. she cries when he's gone. highest rank: #1 in #thedolantwins #2 in #thedolantwins #3 in #thedolantwins ...