28i couldn't believe what i was seeing. I quickly turned around and slammed the balcony door behind me.
i looked around and grayson was gone, i heard the shower turn on soon after, assuming he was in there.
i sat on my bed and took a few deep breaths.
alexis with brent meant that he was going to be around the house alot, thank god we were moving to the hotel tomorrow.
i suddenly started to cry, it just happened out of nowhere.
everything was too overwhelming
i cried and cried until I had no tears left,
i needed to get it all out. i sat there on my bed with mascara running down my cheeks along with my tears, they dripped onto the pillow i was holding in my lap.i didn't know how much time had passed, i heard the shower turn off and grayson stepped out. he had a towel wrapped around his torso, he quickly grabbed his clothes and went back into the bathroom.
he came out a few minutes later and sat on his bed, scrolling through his phone
i wiped my tears quickly and sniffled, trying to avoid any questions from the latter
"are you crying?" he asked, sitting up on his bed.
"i got something in my eye" i lied, he would make so much fun of me if i had said yes.
"sureeee" he said sarcastically, walking over and sitting beside me on my bed
"what happened?"
"nothing, i'm fine" i replied shortly,
in just a few minutes he's going to start being all mean again, im telling you he's bipolar.
"is it brent?" he asked quietly.
i burst out crying just at the mention of his name. today is just not my day. he jumped a little but then did something i never thought he'd do
he hugged me.
i was surprised at first but didn't take lo to hug him back and we sat like that for a few minutes.
"everything is gonna be okay" he whispered.
"i knew it!" someone yelled, we both pulled away quickly and saw ethan and abby at the doorway with their phones,
recording us.
"what?!" we both asked in unison, confused.
"sorry for being such a disturbance" ethan cooed, a smirk tugging at his lips.
grayson jumped up from the bed and chased ethan downstairs. i got up and chased abby just for the fun of it.
we found the boys outside sitting on the curb, i ran to sit beside ethan, i haven't talked to him for a while.
"hey!" abby greeted, sitting down beside grayson.
"what happened to you two?" i asked, looking over and seeing that they had cuts on thier knees.
"ohmygod" i gasped, bending down to examine them.
"chill we just fell" ethan explained, laughing at my reaction
"i'll be right back"
i ran inside to get some disinfectant, rushing back out with some gauze and disinfectant.
you might think i'm being extra but once i fell and scratched my knee and thought nothing of it until i got a huge infection and couldn't walk for 2 weeks.
"what are yo-" they both protested, i silenced them with my hand.
i bent down and started to dab at ethan's knee, he winced but said nothing. he stayed still until it was done, i then moved over to grayson and looked at him for any sign on annoyance because he might not want me to touch him.
he could go off at times, again the kid is bipolar.
he just looked at me, no emotion.
i slowly bent down and started to dab at his knee. after i cleaned them both up we all decided to go inside and head to the basement for the "game time" my parents have been ranting on about.
"race ya" abby yelled, ethan and her raced inside
i walked in silence behind grayson, almost walking into his back when he suddenly stopped and looked at me.
"why'd you do that?" he asked
"do what?" i replies, genuinely confused
was he talking about the disinfectant?
"clean my knee"
"you were bleeding, i wasn't just gonna help ethan and leave you there" i replied as if it was the most obvious thing on earth
"i've always been so rude to me yet you still help me" he asked, leaning against a tree.
"well i-" i began, but got cut off by ethan's booming voice
"are you coming or not?! ash, your mom is calling you!" he yelled out
"we should uh-go" i stammered and walked inside with grayson right behind me.
"game time!" sharon yelled as everyone settled on the carpet in the basement.
i swear my eardrums will be severely damaged by the end of this trip.
to my dismay, adam came to sit right beside me and grayson sat at the other side. i scooted closer to grayson to keep my distance from adam.
"hey" he said, inching closer to me.
"hi" i replied blankly, scooting closer to grayson.
i looked up to see if anyone noticed but they were all too busy playing jenga.
"long time no see" he whispered, inching closer to me again.
"yeah" i replied nervously, scooting closer to grayson until i bumped into him.
he looked at me and then at adam and back. i begged for help using my eyes.
"ashley, i'm cold can we switch spots?" he asked,
i smiled at him in thanks, he returned the gesture.
well that's a first.
"yeah sure" i replied and we switched spots.
the rest of game night passed by without a problem, we played twister, jenga, monopoly and charades.
annie and alex started to yawn so the adults decided it was time for bed. everyone got up and made their way up the stairs and into their bedrooms. at the landing of the top floor, grayson bumped into adam's shoulder, it seemed like it was on purpose.
"you know it's not nice to make people uncomfortable" somone said, i looked up to find the owner of the voice since they were muffled.
adam paused, "huh?"
"stop trying to talk to ashley" the voice replied. i craned my neck to see the interaction, finding the owner of the voice.
edit; I sound so mfing loud oml

for the better. | grayson dolan ✔
Fanficshe meets him. he meets her. she hates him. he loves her. she falls for him. he wishes he didn't hurt her. he confesses when it's too late. she cries when he's gone. highest rank: #1 in #thedolantwins #2 in #thedolantwins #3 in #thedolantwins ...