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i hurried to our room and quickly changed before he could come in, proceeding to sit on my bed and scroll through my phone. soon after, he came in the room, turned off the lights and went to bed.

i slowly felt myself start to doze off until i heard movement on the balcony. i shook it off, maybe it was just my imagination, after all, i was extra paranoid these days.

i heard a hushed whisper, there was someone there for sure

"g-grayson?" i whispered into the emptiness,

no answer.

then the handle of the balcony door began to shake, as if someone was trying to force their way in

"g-graysonnn?" i pleaded, if i got out of bed it would make more noise and i'd surely be dead then.

grayson stirred in his sleep but didn't answer, only turning the other way

"g-grayson!" i said a little louder, loud enough for him to hear but not wake the others.

he groaned and sat up straight, "what?"

"there's someone there" i whispered, using my thumb to point towards the door.

he rubbed his eyes of any sleep, listening quietly and sure enough we heard not just one person, but 2 people.

"come" he said, motioning for me to follow him

i cautiously stepped off my bed and scurried over to him. we hid behind a wall that blocked us from view, standing so close that i could hear his heart beating inside his chest.

he held his hand over my mouth when we heard the balcony door open. the person walked around the room with his/her's back to us.

i felt like i was about to faint.

grayson tightened his grip on my arm and assured me we were going to be fine. he pulled out his phone and took a few pictures. the figures turned around, examining the things we had on the dresser.

my heart felt like it came out of my chest.

it was brent and anika.

what were they doing snooping around?

"here" brent whispered, picking up something from my bag and handing it to her, as he did so, he turned a little and the moonlight shone across the cover of a book.

my diary.

in there i wrote everything, and i mean everything. my mom had always told us to keep a diary, it had helped her when she was a teenager and wanted abby and i to do the same. that book held all my secrets.

my crush in 3rd grade, the time i ate so much cereal my stomach hurt, all about the twins, brent, anika, alexis.

you name it.

it was somewhere i could let all my feelings and thoughts out.

i looked back at grayson and he raised his eyebrow, clearly not knowing how much significance the book held.

i looked back to see anika and rent take my diary and head out to the balcony.

soon everything was still.

"they're gone" grayson said, letting go of me and walking over to the balcony, he peered out and locked the door.

i sat in silence on my bed, what in the world did they want my diary for?

"what did they take?" he asked, sitting down beside me.

"my diary" i croaked, i didn't care if he laughed at me but i let out a sigh of relief when he didn't.

he grabbed my hand and squeezed it, reassuring me that everything would be fine. he then got up and got into his bed.

"we'll talk in the morning" he whispered.

i nodded though he couldn't see me and hopped into bed. i lay awake for what felt like hours, i couldn't sleep. i got up and walked around but my head kept thinking of any reason why they would want to take my diary.

"can't sleep?" someone said in a raspy voice.

i jumped and ran to my bed, what if it was brent?

"chill its just me" grayson said sitting up on his bed, barely opening both eyes

"oh" i replied, letting out an audible sigh of relief.

"come" he said patting the spot beside him on the bed, i hesitated but eventually went and sat beside him.

"what was in the diary?" he asked, propping his head on his chin as he waited for an answer

"n-nothing much" i stammered

"something about me?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows and sending me a smirk.

i grabbed a pillow and playfully hit him in the face,

"you wish"

"hey no fair!" he whined, hitting me with the pillow again, a few minutes later it had turned into a full fleged pillow fight.


"rise and shine lovers!" i could hear ethan yell, i slowly opened my eyes and saw him smirking with abby beside him, hands on her hips.

i got up and groaned, using my hand to cover the rays of sunlight bathing the room. i turned to look beside me and, to my surprise, saw grayson is sleeping soundly.

"huh? wha-?" i asked in confusion.

ethan and abby began laughing hysterically before leaving me alone and heading downstairs.

i shook grayson awake to inform him that we're leaving for the hotel and then to the beach.

"what the hell am i doing on your bed?" were the first words out of his mouth

"i could ask the same question" i snapped back.

he looked over at his stuff which i cleaned up the night before when i couldn't sleep so it would have been easier to load into the car

"who did this?" he asked, raising his voice.

"i couldn't sleep so i just cleane-"

"did i ask you to touch my stuff?!" he yelled through gritted teeth

" i was trying to hel-"

"don't ever touch my stuff again, got it?" he spat, grabbing them and marching out of the room.

i sat back on my bed, tears stinging at the corners of my eyes.

i'm always so nice to him and he treats me so nice one minute and like trash the other

2 can play this game.


edit: idk why i even wrote this book with the utmost stupidity

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