Truth Or Dare

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Created By: Snow Marisvega

Chapter 15.


Dylan's P. O. V

We walked up with Raven to what seemed to be a study room, probably Quinn's dad's. It was like another party was happening here. I looked around Quinn's dads' study room and it was giving very much old money.

Ugh I hate the smell of cigarettes.

"Should we be here?" Jaxton asked.

"It's fine,"Quinn said from the leather couch she was sitting on. "They are never really around anyways."

"What is up with the teenagers in this town and their parents being absent. Do they have a cult?" I asked Jaxton, who laughed.

There were some people sitting on the floor and some on the couch, some standing as well. We were about ten here? Raven clapped her hands, demanding all their attention.

"Alright, everyone. Gather around, people." Raven ordered, and people did so.

I quickly leaned towards Jaxton. "Do you smell that?"



"Yeah. Her family is super rich incase you didn't figure that out already." Jaxton whispered back.

"Shush, smart ass."

"Hey," a voice called from our middle. I frowned and looked the same time as Jaxton and saw Zach with a stupid smile on his face.

"You really are like a mosquito, huh?"

"Hey," Jaxton replied, smiling softly.

"Don't bother me, Zach." I sighed.

"I didn't even say anything."

"I can hear your thoughts, Zach. And honestly, there's actually not a lot of things going on upstairs."

"Do you always have to be an arsehole?"

"Zach, go sit down and be a good boy to your daddy." I said and looked over at Henry who was behind him and looking at his phone. He looked at me once I said what I said, I furrowed my brows at him and looking away.

"I want us to play some old game we are familiar with."

"Seven minutes in heaven." Jaxton muttered.

"Truth or dare."

"That ain't what she told us." I muttered with a small frown.

"Let us spice up some things, shall we?" She said and winked at Jaxton and me.

"That doesn't sound so bad." The girl I recognised from class said.

Gwen, was it?

She was dressed in a black baggy pants with little white strips and a really short croptop that matched her pants. Her long locks were in a ponytail and her makeup gorgeous, she had this fashion girl personality like you knew she had money, she was sweet but also could be a bitch if she was forced to.

I looked around the room and it was then I realised that I recognised almost everyone here. From Raven to Quinn, to Gwen, Jaxton, Zach, to one of the annoying jocks, I think his name is Jon or something. Two cheerleaders I didn't know, two other jocks and then Henry.

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