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Picture is Claudia ⬆ (wasn't joking when i said she's sexy and don't worry,  you can still hate her

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Picture is Claudia (wasn't joking when i said she's sexy and don't worry, you can still hate her. Lmao)

Bad Cupid Fact #1 : Dylan's name was originally Alex.


Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter 101.

Dylan's P.O.V

I stared at myself in the mirror, letting out a little sigh before picking up my bag and walking out of my room.

"Good morning, Mom, Dad." I greeted as I walked over to the dinning where they were, having breakfast.

I sat down and mom served me with a concerned look on her face. "What's up, honey? You've been moody since last night."

"Anything you wanna talk about?" Dad asked.

"Okay so you remember Claudia."

"No." Dad shook his head.

"She's Henry's sweet childhood friend who came to town." Mom said.

"Oh okay."

"And last night she organized a little get together for us saying she wants to know us because she feels we hate her."

"Aw, sweet." Mom said and I shot her a look. "Sorry, continue."

"Last night, I might have...drank a bit too much and said some things."

"What things?" Dad asked.

"I called her a bitch and told her to stop flirting with my man."

"Oh, Dylan." Mom sighed. "I told you jealousy is a bad thing. Did Henry get mad? He got mad, didn't he? Did you apologize to her at least?"

"Yeah, I apologized to her after what happened and guess what?"

They both frowned. "What?"

"This bitch threatened me. She said I should leave Henry alone, that she was hers and she was gonna do anything to cut me off. That bitch has been putting on an act and then did that?"

"No. Fucking. Way." Mom said, her brows puckered.

"Okay, so when do we burn the witch?" Dad asked. "I'll get the matches, the fuel, cause I hate her already. I hated her the second you said she was Henry's childhood friend." Dad admitted.

"And i couldn't do shit when she trapped me against the wall because of my anxiety, I barely said anything and that sucks."

Mom placed her hand on mine. "I'm sorry, sweetie."

"And guess what she told me."

"Don't say she was his girlfriend in the past or i swear to God." Dad said

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