Dedicated to Techno626 whose comments are amazing as fuck and makes me happy.
To Brightonium who is also an amazing person and demanded an update. Here it is.
To LunaAnniee who is having a really bad day and is feeling super sad. I hope this cheers you up a little, its your medication after all. ☺
Creates By; Snow Marisvega•
Chapter 56
The ride seemed to be taking forever, we barely spoke in the car and I was mad at him for denying his girlfriend, that should be it right?
Henry had put on the radio cause it was starting to get really awkward with the silence and Eminem started blasting through the speakers. Eminem is a rap god, he's one of a kind. I like rap, some of it though not all the rappers. Mostly the female rappers, they make shit that people can dance to and it's always art.
I began to wonder where he lived and how his house looked like. Was It a torture dungeon or did it look like a hut? Nah, I think he's rich I mean everyone in Eastwood is except me and plus his car speaks it too.
The car came to a fast stop, making me almost fly out of the seat, thanks to the seatbelt I didn't. I let out a gasp and then scowled at him.
"Are you insane? I could have died regina George style except in the car?"
"We're here." He said and got out. "Get outta my car before you stain it with your pride and stupidity."
"Fuck you!" I sneered as I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out with my backpack, I slammed his car door shut and glared at him before looking at the house before me.
This was way better than mine and I mean way better, this wasn't a fucking house, it was a something else and I mean something way better, how could I even compare this to mine?. It was a dream house. My dream house. It was way bigger than Quinn's, it was just like Chuck's house from gossip's girl, if not bigger. Well, he did have Chuck's attitude so I guess that does explain everything. I gave him an irritated look.
Rich, arrogant asshole.
"I've seen better." I said with a shrug.
"In magazines? Sure." He said and walked ahead and to the door while I followed from behind, mimicking his words silently and rolling my yes afterwards.
Henry opened the door and walked in, not even holding it for me like a normal person would do for a guest. I am a fucking guest.
If I decide to wait for Henry to care and hold the door for me then I might as well join the queue for the people who think the bible is filled with fantasies.
I walked in and closed the door behind me, my jaw dropped at the sight of his house. It was huge! It was magnificent. I looked around, it was all painted white.
Why did that shock me?
I walked slowly as I observed the house.

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