It's a Love/Hate thing

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Hello loves, another early update! Thank me by voting and telling me I'm awesome and you love me.😂


Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter 65

Dylan's P.O.V

We had all left the coffee shop, right now Raven, Jaxton, Jon and I were in my room all sitting on my bed. After Zach had left, Jon had demanded I told him what Eric was threatening me with and when I tried to convince him that it was nothing, Raven backed him up and they both persuaded me to tell them since they were my friends.

"We're friends, Dylan. That's what you said to me and Eric made me do hurtful things to you, I had promised myself that I was gonna protect you from Eric so please let me do my job, tell me what he has against you." Jon said seriously.

"He's right, we're all your friends. We eat lunch together, you guys are helping me fight one of my battles, one that might end up being a bloodbath." She exaggerated. "Please, let us help you for God's sake."

And so I had decided to tell them and that's why we were all gathered in my room, it had been silent and they just stared at me waiting. Jaxton already knew and wasn't gonna force me to tell anyone but through his eyes I could tell that he agreed with them and wanted me to tell them.

So I started...

"Eric took a picture of me in school," I began. Raven's brows rose, asking me to continue. "A picture of me making out with a a certain boy in the locker room." I said and looked away from her and at Jon, he didn't know I was gay and I wanted to know his reaction.

His mouth made an 'o' shape. "You'"

I nodded. "I think the kissing a certain boy part should have answered that."


"He's not homophobic is he? Get me a knife, Jaxton." Raven said, not taking her eyes off Jon.

"What? No. No. I'm not homophobic, I've got a lesbian cousin whom I love, so I can't be homophobic."

"Hmmph, it's giving me very 'i have a black friend, I can't be racist' vibes." I said and he frowned.

"W-What? That's not what I- oh!!! Now I see it." Jon nodded.

"Mmhmm," Raven faked a smile at him.

I sighed.

"And about you being gay, it kinda explains it." He muttered.

I frowned. "What'd you mean?"

His brow rose. "I've caught you staring at me in some way....a weird you're admiring me," he chuckled. "You end up smiling when I'm talking to you and you're just looking at me and I didn't understand that at all but I I do. You'"

"I do not look at you in any way, I look at you the way I look at everyone." I retorted.

Jax shook his head. "You do look at him someway," he shrugged.

I groaned. "Back to the story," I ignored them. "The person in the photo was.....Henry." I looked at them both.

Raven gasped. "I fucking knew it!"

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