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Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter 113

Dylan's P.O.V

"First day of school," Jaxton cooed. "Feelings everybody?" He asked as we got out of Raven's car.

"I feel like I should just die." Raven said as she took out her brown bag and locked her car. "I've been thinking about college so much I forgot I had few months left in this dump." She said tiredly and I laughed.

"What about you?" Jaxton asked, looking at me as we made our way into the school.

"Well, I'm excited about it."

"Really?" Jaxton asked, looking surprised.

"I mean, we only have what? Four to five months before we graduate? I guess I'm just super excited about it all, we'll be out of here soon." I replied. "Although I'd rather spend more time with Davina."

"That makes sense, i meant the first thing you said and also the second, not like Davina isn't important." Raven said and sighed heavily. We suddenly heard a horrifying noise that made us cringe, it was terrible and sounded like screeching. "What the fuck is that?" Raven asked as we all turned to the parking lot to see Jon driving and trying to park his jeep.

"Is that sound coming from Velma?" Jaxton asked, scrunching his nose.

"I guess so." I said and shivered as Velma made another move.

"What the hell?" A student yelled, we definitely weren't the only ones disturbed by the noise.

"This is embarrassing." I muttered.

"I guess she really is dying." Jaxton said softly.

Jon reversed, making the jeep let out a terrifying sound and finally he parked. "Guys, let's all disappear so people don't know we are friends with Jon." Raven whispered, jokingly.

I elbowed her softly and held back a laugh, Jon got out of his jeep and made his way towards us, ignoring the students laughing and insulting Velma.

"Wow, such confidence." Raven said sarcastically.

"Hello, loves!" He grinned.

"How could you bring her here? In such a state." Jaxton yelled.

"I told you all she was dying."

"Shouldn't you try fixing her?"

"I think she's tired." He sighed.

"You all talking like she's human, you need a new car, Jon, she's starting to embarrass you." Raven said and I nodded.

"In a way, I know you love her but don't bring her out again." I said and he chuckled.

"Alright. Alright." He said and threw his hand over my shoulder. "Let's go in, shall we?"

"Raven!" A girl called and rushed towards Raven, she flipped her hair backwards with a perfect smile. "Hey!"

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