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I would say not to play the song until i say so but i know half of y'all wouldn't even do that, so.


Created By ; Snow Marisvega



"If i asked your friends to describe you, Mr. Dexwell, what would they say?"

I looked up at her and faked a smile, putting my shaking hands on my leg. "How my friends would describe me?" I huffed. "I guess you could say they would say i was—"

I furrowed my brows at her. "Determined. Focused. Goal driven."

Laurel smiled as she continued to write on her notepad. I looked at the notes and then at my hands. "They would also say other things," I said and she looked up at me with a cock brow.

"Like what?"

I smiled this time, for real. "Manipulative."


10: 54pm

"Dylan, Dylan, breathe!!"

"I can't!! I can't!!!" I said as I let out rapid breaths through my mouth and held onto Henry's shirt tight.

"Dylan, look at me, look at me." Henry said, his hands on my shoulders. "Dylan."

"H-Henry." I breathed as my vision began to get blurry.

"Dylan! Oh my God! What happened?" Mom asked as she and Dad ran towards me, Dad was holding Sofía while mom carried Davina.

"What happened?" Dad asked as they knelt beside me.

"I-I don't know, he's having a panic attack." Henry said in a panicking tone.

"Dylan? Hey, hey, hey!!" I heard Jon say as he held me.

Everyone was talking but I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't hear them, i felt so suffocated.

"Dylan, hey, hey, look at me." Dad said as he placed both hands on each side of my face, turning my face so I could  look at him. "Breathe."

"I can't!" I yelled as tears ran down my face. "I can't!!!" I cried.

"Jaxton, get me some water." Mom said and with a nod, he ran.

"Babe, babe, please calm down."

"I can't! I can't! I caaaaannnttttt!!!!!" I screamed.



"Good morning, Mrs. Ashcroft." I greeted as I walked to the kitchen where she was, with a smile i made my way to the fridge, taking out a bottle of water.

"Sleep well?"

"Not exactly, i guess I'm just stressed with everything, thankfully it ends today." I told her with a smile as i walked over to the stool and sat down. "And i have never gotten ready for school by this time, it seems too early but then Henry has to go early." I said and she chuckled.

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