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Created by; Snow Marisvega

Chapter 115.

"Dylan, you are not listening." Jaxton said as he followed me from behind. "You need to calm down, we don't want him knowing we know." Jaxton said and I turned to him.


"Because we need to catch him, he's not just gonna admit to being fucked up." Jon said, his brows knitted at me.

"He runs that.....stupid blog that ruined lives, spilling shits that was no one's business, including yours Jaxton. What was he trying to prove? With the....drama he portrayed yesterday, no one would ever suspect that he was the dark Charles Xavier behind this and I don't stand for such, the whole thing just irks me and someone's gotta confront him." I sneered.

"We know." Jon said and took a step towards me, rubbing my shoulders. "I understand how you feel and I know you are angry but if we wanna drag Joshua down then we need to do this together and have him confess on tape or something like we did Johnathan." He said and Jaxton nodded.

"He's right, Dylan." Jax agreed.


"Breathe, bear." Jon said as he rubbed my shoulders again and I sighed.

We were outside the school, I was ready to confront Joshua. I was beyond mad and I needed to know what the entire drama was about, making us stand up for him only for him to be the mastermind.

He was like a highschool Harrison wells.

I didn't believe it was him when christian said his name, I had told him to check again but he was so certain and it broke me because I trusted the shit bag and I couldn't just let this go.

"You good?" Jon asked and I faked a smile.

"Yeah, I am, I'm sorry guys."

"It's okay, we understand you feel betrayed and we'll expose him together, okay? Just keep your emotions in check." Jon said and I smiled.

"I can do that. Hopefully, I don't run into him anytime soon." I said and Jon threw his hand over my shoulder with a smile.

"Now, let's go in and pretend we know nothing." He said as we made our way into the school.

Once we got in, I realized I had spoken too soon. I spotted Joshua and some students who were talking to him, he had an innocent smile on his face as he nodded to whatever they were saying. They were giving him support, the devil.

He was pretending and it fucking ticked me off. I began heading for him when Jon gripped my arm and I turned to look at him angrily.

"Dylan, I know you're mad but you shouldn't do anything until we have a plan."

"Dylan, listen to him." Jaxton said and I shrugged.

"But I have a plan."

They both frowned. "What is it?" Jon asked and I pulled my arm away from his hold.

"To beat his ass in the boy's bathroom and you better not try to stop me." I said and walked away. I made my way towards Joshua who giggled cutely and satanically at whatever they said.

"Hey, Joshua."

He looked at me and grinned. "Hey, Dylan."

"Um, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked and he looked at the others.

"Actually we were talking about the new play, maybe during lunch or-" I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him along with me.


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