The Three Of Swords

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Created By: Snow Marisvega

Chapter 29

As we approached the gate, we could hear the thick chanking of rides moving, the shuddering of rails and tracks, and the screams of the passengers as they are whipped around.

The smell of hotdogs and popcorn is in the air and it reminded me of how long it had been since I had actually eaten those. There were too-loud music playing from God knows where, screams from people on the rollercoaster as if they were in a horror movie. The laughter of kids running filled everywhere, cheering as well could be heard. I looked to my left when I heard singing and smiled but my attention was grabbed by the sounds of bells. There were also kids crying either cause their parents didn't have enough money to get them candy or they were lost or they were actually evil kids who'd eat anyone who showed mercy. The sound of chugging machinery scared the crap out of me at first but I just shrugged it away. Feet running, either teenagers chasing their little devious siblings or people running from the invisible creature that was gonna devour them. The sound of people calling out to each other, corn and balloons popping, the sound of balls rolling. I sighed.

Isn't this life?

I could smell cigarettes and I hated that smell so bad. "Let's walk ahead" I said trying to get away from it. Henry said nothing and just walked with me a little faster than we did before. I could see a haunted house and there was no way in hell or heaven that I was gonna go in there. Ha. Nice try Satan.

To my left was a swinging pirate ship and I didn't even wanna know more cause I hate pirates. I mean, what is their deal? I stopped when I saw a spinning apple ride.

"Come on." I tapped his arm with a smile, he looked at me and where I was looking at.


I nodded, and pulled him along. There were people gathered and someone on the spinning apple ride.

"Seriously? This is what you like?" He gave me a confused look.

"Why not?"

"But you don't wanna do a haunted house?"

"I don't have a problem with a haunted house, I've just watched enough horror movies to know that sometimes it might not be just for bants, the clowns in there might actually be real killer clowns who would want to murder me. I know one thing for sure, and it's that I'm not always lucky in cases where I should be. And I also know that the devil doesn't really like me."

"Hmm, that's something I didn't know. I thought you and the devil were like siblings or something. Hell, twins even."

I scowled at him. "Fuck you."

He smiled.

The ride was spinning and the man on complete black attire announced something I had missed cause Henry was talking. He turned to the man on the spinning ride and threw a knife towards him. Everyone gasped in fear as the knife landed close to his head.

"Imagine he dies." I giggled.

"Then we'll run away." Henry replied.

The man continued throwing knifes at the man tied on it with an apple in his mouth. At every throw people gasped in fear, and even Henry flinched, while I watched with a smile. And at the fifth throw, it went straight into his mouth, and at the apple.

I blew a whistle with my mouth and clapped the same time as everyone.

"Can we go?"

"I wish he somehow missed and stabbed the man somewhere." I said with a giggle. "Let's go, that wasn't so much fun." I said, beaming. "I'm kidding, it was."

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