Denry Dashcroft

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There are so many people I wanna give a shout out to for making me laugh when reading comments. CaseBlue
And there are a lot of you that I wanna tag, I can't thank you all enough for your support and for making me laugh and to some of my favorite readers as well Brightonium FinnFanFam2006 azurastyles Kalla16 , I swear I love you guys so much 💜💜💜


Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter 93

Dylan's P.O.V

"Diana?" Isabelle repeated.. "Diana? You mean...the Diana? "

"Diana, your teacher?" Jax asked and I nodded.

"Yes, she's the very Diana I told you guys about." I replied, still staring at her.

"W-Who is Diana?" Jon asked, curiously.

"Dylan's teacher who thinks gay people are disgusting." Jaxton replied, coldly.


"Yeah, Dylan told me all about her on Skype." Isabelle said, anger in her voice.

"Look, Dylan." Diana began. "I-"

"No, no." Isabelle cut her off. "You are not gonna act like it's all fine when you acted like a bitch to him how many weeks ago?"

"And I'm sorry." Diana said plainly.

"Your apology is kinda too plain, ma'am." Jon spoke. "You might want to mean it a bit."

"Are we even sure she knows what an apology really is?" Jaxton asked. "I mean, she could be a robot for all we know."

"I am not a robot." Diana replied.

"Kinda hard to believe when you keep talking pike that." Jax shot.

"How dare you even approach him? Have you no shame?" Isabelle asked.

Diana sighed again, looking to her left before looking back at me.

"I get you all are angry and trying to defend your friend and its great to see that, but I want to speak to Dylan. Alone. I want to apologize."

Isabelle scoffed. "What is wrong with all the ladies in Eastwood. Seriously, is they are?" Belle asked.

"Why would I want to be alone with you after all the horrible things you said that day? What makes you think that I won't strangle you?" I asked, arms folded.

"Because there are no cellphones in jail." She responded and I took a step towards her.

"Don't piss me off." I muttered.

"Just twenty minutes, it won't take long. We'll just have something to drink and talk. Twenty minutes is all I ask for, Dylan." Ivy said, brows furrowed perfectly as she waited for my answer.

I stared blankly at her for a while before responding. "Fifteen minutes."

"What? Dylan, are you crazy!"

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