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Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter 111

"Dylan! Where are you?! We gotta go." I heard Jaxton shout from outside. The door to my room was closed and all I did was stare at myself in the mirror, all I could think of was Henry following me home and walking in the rain, sneezing and getting drenched. Deep down, I still hoped he was okay, why? I shouldn't feel anything for him anymore, I thought I had gotten rid of it all, so why did I feel that? Why did mom let him into the house? Why did grams offer him soup? Why did they take care of him? He was the enemy, so why?

"Dylan," the door burst open and I looked through the mirror to see Jaxton walk in. "Are you planning on leaving anytime soon?"

I gave a small nod and stood up, I picked up my backpack from the floor and threw it over my shoulder. "Let's go." I said in a quiet voice and with a nod, he walked out first, I followed.

"Okay, boys, I'm gonna go drop Sofía at school, I would give you boys a lift but it isn't the same route." Mom said as she packed Sofia's lunch.

"Oh, it's okay, I got Dom's car, I'll drive us." Jaxton said with a smile.

Mom frowned and so did I. "The question here is, since when did you know how to drive?"

"Well Dominic was teaching me for about three months." He chuckled. "So, yeah, I can drive."

Dominic taught him.

I still didn't know how to drive.

"Well, that's good." Mom grinned.

"You should invite him over sometime." Grandma suggested.

"Let's go." I said as I turned and began heading for the door.

"Dylan, your lunch money." Mom said. "And you're gonna leave without a goodbye?" She asked and I halted. "Not even a good morning."

I slowly spun around to look at her. "Would it make my day better? How about you call Henry and ask him for a good morning since you happen to love him so much."

"Dylan, where is this coming from?" Grandma Athena asked, her brows knitted in shock.

"I'm gonna be late, Grams, I gotta go." I said and exited the house, heading straight for the car.

"Dylan, what the hell was that?" Jaxton asked as he walked behind me.

"Can we just go? We've got a lot of student's hearts to win, remember? So just drop it."

"Yeah, but still-"

"Jaxton!" I turned to him. "You should know when to mind your business."

He swallowed. "Jeez, fine." He said and unlocked the car as he walked over to the driver's seat. I got into the passenger's seat, strapped my seatbelt and said nothing. Jaxton had slammed the car door in annoyance, he said nothing as well, started the car and just drove.


"And so, I will give you an essay which you will write on and submit next week, it will look good on your college application as well." Mrs. Alice, the English teacher said and walked to the board, her heels clicking. She picked up the chalk and wrote the topic boldly on the board.

"The girl child? That's the topic?" Quinn asked with a huff.

"Mmhmm." Mrs. Alice nodded and turned back to us. "Yes, this will be your topic. You are to write everything you can think of concerning the girl child, something that can help your application." She said with a smile.

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