Pretty Little Liar

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Created By; Snow Marisvega

Chapter 25

~•Dylan's P.O.V•~

It had been two days since I fell down those stairs, I can't believe I was so clumsy. I haven't gone to school ever since the incident. I remember when I woke up at that same stupid white place that I fear the most. The Hospital. I wanted to leave immediately but mom wasn't having that, anyways I got discharged and my arm broke the more so...good.

After getting rid of the head bandage, something else had to happen and now I have it back on, I had a bad headache for hours and it affected my eyes, I think they call it migraine headache or something like that. It felt so horrible cause I kept crying, not cause I wanted to but I felt like I was gonna get blind and the tears kept falling out , I don't remember anything after the fall until I woke up at the hospital, six hours later.

Its actually worse now cause I can't even move my arm, it stings every time I try and moms always extra careful when changing it cause she knows I'd bite her if it hurt so bad, okay maybe not that but I guess its that motherly thing.

The house was so boring, i was tired and i didn't even do anything. Do you guys ever just stay at home all day and get exhausted even when you got no chores, you're just...tired of being tired? That's how I feel right now.

Jaxton was in school and I miss my best friends.  I was right here with my mom alone in this house. She decided to take the week off and even after I told her not to, she said she was considering taking a break anyway and now she has an excuse and plus she's not gonna let me stay here alone, i might just fall down those stairs again.

Tf? The love.
*note, sarcasm*

I walked out of my room and down the stairs in fresh bandages, a blue shirt, black shorts and a bored look.  I walked over to mom who was at the kitchen like always except she wasn't cooking this time, she was drinking a red wine and texting whosoever, a plate of chips were right in front of her.

I sat right next to her on one of the kitchen stool, she didn't even notice my presence. Wow. I was staring right at her and her eyes were fixed on her phone, I yawned but she didn't look up. I coughed but nothing and then I got frustrated.

"MOM!" I yelled, startling her. Her phone almost fell off her hands.

"Jesus. You scared me boy" she sighed and let out a breath.

"I've been sitting here for two minutes and you didn't even acknowledge my presence" I rolled my eyes at her. "So much for taking care of me when you're busy texting...."


I frowned. "Hmm?"

"Dean's his name" she said, dropping her phone on the table.

"Yeah. What's his address so I can pay him a visit" I smiled.

"And hear in the news that he was found dead in his apartment?" Mom furrowed her brows and grabbed her glass if wine before snorting. "Yeah. I'll keep it to myself." She said and took a sip from it.

I smiled.

"How's your arm, sweetie?" She asked in concern and took a Chip.

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