O Satan!

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Created By: Snow Marisvega•

Chapter 33

Dylan's POV

"They should have expelled him!" Mom said angrily as she massaged my arm.

"They suspended him, mom." I sighed

"That's not enough."

She was really pissed and I understood her, every mother would react the way she did. I didn't think she'd be home when I got back because she was supposed to be at work but at the moment, she had come home to change for a meeting.

"I should take him to court for trying to kill my baby"

"Mom." I sighed tiredly.

"What?" She replied a little too quickly. "I mean if Vaughn can be in jail why not Eric?"

"You didn't even let me finish!" I said as my brows rose.

"Sorry. Speak" She said and stopped massaging.

"I was gonna say you should make sure he knows not to drop the soap because some thirsty men might want a little bite." I said with a smile.

I was expecting a smack at the back of my head and her glaring at me right after she says 'dont joke about such ' but that wasn't the case and instead she snorted.

"You know what, that's not a bad idea, I'll make a call now and make sure they transfer some people to his cell." she said and stood up, I thought she was kidding but then she walked to her bag and took out her phone.

"MOM!" I exclaimed with widen eyes.

"What?" She yelled back.

"I was kidding. You aren't honestly thinking of doing that, right? I hate the guy but i wouldn't wish such shit on anyone, not even my enemy, well except if it was J-"

"Dylan, I am not a complete villain." Mom said and rolled her eyes. "I'm about to call your principal."

"You called him twice already."

"And I haven't made my point yet." She retorted.

"You said you were gonna rip his head off and put it on the flag stand because this was done in a school that he promised doesn't have kids who bully." I reminded her.

"He lied to me and well its not gonna be on the flag anymore. I think the entrance would better" she said as she dialed his number while walking out of my room.

I shook my head with a sigh, this woman was crazy as fuck. As much as I tried to act like I was okay and that he got what he deserved. I couldn't still get the horrible deed he did out of my head.

What a monster. 

My arm was getting way better, mom massages it every night before bed and whenever she can but ends up fixing it in a bandage. I could move my arm now, not perfectly but I think I can do a handshake and give a half bitch slap with it. Half.

I shut my door and walked into the bathroom, i needed a shower. I took off my clothes and stepped under the shower, as the water poured down my face, all the flashes came rushing into my head like I was replaying a scene of Constantine over and over, except without the summoning of demons but boy did we have a real agent of darkness in our school. He's gone for now though.

I could see myself at the library, I could remember why I was moody that day and how my best friends, sorry ex best friends came in searching for me and how I stupidly told half of the school about Isaac and why I was having this weird feeling of continuous hate for Henry, cause I thought he pushed me.

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