I Hate You

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Created By: Snow Marisvega•

Chapter 49


"Leave me alone, Jaxton." I said as I walked into the house, Jaxton had been apologizing since we started walking home. He was following me from behind and even while apologizing, he was still smiling.

"Oh come on, Dylan. I said I'm sorry already." He whined as he closed the door behind him.

"And yet, you're smiling which is worse."

"It was funny, he called you a housewife and you losing your shit was making it funnier." He said while chuckling.

I scowled at him and he quickly stopped.

"Oh come on now, you can't get mad at us for laughing. This is what friends do, they laugh at silly things. You shouldn't be angry at all." Jax said, I just ignored him and walked to sit next to mom who was on the couch watching TV.

"Who's angry at who?" Mom asked, looking at us.

"It's nothing ma."

"Dylan's mad at us, his friends cause we were laughing at something that he didn't find funny." Jaxton reported.

"Cause it wasn't." I grumbled.

"You shouldn't get mad at them for nothing or you'll end up friendless and you know how nervous you were on your first day and how we both thought you weren't gonna have any friends."

I frowned. "You were confident that I'll make some friends." I stated, clearing remembering.

"Yeah, well a mother's job is to be positive even when she doesn't believe what she's saying." She shrugged.

My jaw dropped. "Oh, so you thought I wouldn't make any friends?"

"Like you did? No. I didn't." She shook her head.

"You're so mean," I scowled at her.

"Well, they say the truth hurts." She flashed me a smile and went back to watching TV.

I looked at the TV and I was instantly interested. "Ooooh, Is this the new season?"

"Nah, I think the new season starts on Sunday."

I groaned. "I can't wait."

"What show is that?" Jax asked, coming to see what was showing on TV.

"Wags." Mom and I chorused.

"I've heard about this, I'd stick with keeping up with the-"

"Don't even finish that." I cut him off. I hated that show so much, it looked scripted. I mean come on, as much as most of the episodes had drama it looked like they were acting being real, if you understand.

"Why? The show's awesome."

"Sure it is," mom sarcastically replied.

Jax shook his head. "Well, I have to go change so...see ya." He said and began walking towards the stairs.

"I'm not done with you, ugly." I said to his hearing and stood up.

"Leave him alone!" Mom sighed.

Jax groaned and turned. "We live in the same house, you can't be mad at me!"

"I lived with my dad for eight years and barely spoke to him," I said as I approached him. "Yours wouldn't be an issue."

He scowled at me. "You're so mean."

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